News Update



Costly Commissioners

Judicial Indiscipline - A bugbear to fair Adjudication

Judicial discipline is not a virtue inculcated by the adjudicating authorities. Most of the orders passed by the departmental authorities, including the officers in the appellate hierarchy, completely turn blind to the judicial precedents and pass unfair and unconscionable orders. The adjudicating authorities do not mend their ways even when the Courts and Tribunals pass scathing strictures. This is because no administrative action is taken by the Department against such erring officials. Until the government strictly disciplines such erring officials this saga of unfair orders and judicial indiscipline will continue.

Chakravarthi Bommakanti 01/12/2023



TIOL Tube Latest

Shri K C Tyagi addressing the gathering at the TIOL Awards 2024.

Dr. P Thiaga Rajan addressing the gathering at the TIOL Awards 2024.