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ST VCES, 2013 - What if declarant couldn't pay the 50% 'tax dues' on 31/12/2013

JANUARY 03, 2014

By S T Vishesh

A client approached us for settling his tax dues under the ST VCES. On 26/12/2013, he filed an application for Service Tax registration in form ST-1.

He waited for the form ST-2 but did not receive it. He contacted the officer concerned enquiring about the Registration Certificate but he did not express any concern .

The last date of filing Form VCES-1 was 31/12/2013 and so we filed it on that date and declared the "tax dues".

However, our client was unable to make online payment of tax for the reason that the service tax registration number was not reflected on the NSDL website. Incidentally, the ACES site shows that the application has been filed on 26/12/2013.

The advertisement issued on the last day of ST VCES, 2013 by the CBEC mentioned under the caption "For your convenience" the following - The designated banks will accept payment of VCES dues, against a copy of the ST-2 registration certificate, even if their registration number does not figure in the database of the designated banks/NSDL. Such transactions should, however, be regularized on the next working day, without fail .

The RBI had also issued an instruction RBI/2013-14/420, DGBA.GAD.No.H - 3800/42.07.001/2013-14 dated 30 th December, 2013 in this regard.

Obviously because our client had still not obtained the ST-2 Registration certificate there was no question of he having any copy of the same.

In fact, although my client could know the registration number immediately after filing the ST-1, the same could not be used by him in the absence of the ST-2 registration certificate. So also, though he wished to pay the 50% dues through a pay order/demand draft as permitted by the CBEC in its advertisement, the bank refused to acknowledge the GAR-7 challanas the Service Tax registration number was not reflected in the database of the designated banks/NSDL. Would it have sufficed had he handed over the DD/PO at the VCES counter along with the Form VCES-1?

The long and short is that my client could not make any payment of the tax dues declared under the ST VCES, 2013 although he very much wishes to - in fact, he is ready to make the entire payment in one go without opting for the split payment envisaged in the Scheme.

The following questions come to mind -

++ What is the way out now?

++ Will he be evicted out of the ST VCES scheme?

I found the following provisions of the VCES which may provide an answer -

Section 107(3)& 107(4) of the FA, 2013 mention the following -

(3) The declarant shall, on or before the 31 st day of December, 2013, pay not less than fifty per cent, of the tax dues so declared under sub-section (1) and submit proof of such payment to the designated authority.

(4) The tax dues or part thereof remaining to be paid after the payment under sub-section (3) shall be paid by the declarant on or before the 30 th day of June, 2014.

Provided that where the declarant fails to pay said tax dues or part thereof on or before the said date, he shall pay the same on or before the 31st day of December, 2014 along with interest thereon, at such rate as is fixed under section 75 or, as the case may be, section 73B of the Chapter for the period of delay starting from the 1st day of July, 2014.

In view of the usage of the words "tax dues" & "part thereof remaining to be paid" in the provisions of section 107(4), it would seem that even if the declarant had not made payment of the 50% of the "tax dues" by 31/12/2013, he still has time till 30/06/2014 to make the payment and in case he does not comply by that date too, he can pay the "tax dues" by the 31/12/2014 along with interest from 01/07/2014 to 31/12/2014.

There is also another angle by which the entire episode can be viewed in view of the provisions of section 110 of the FA, 2013 which reads -

Tax dues declared but not paid.

110. Where the declarant fails to pay the tax dues , either fully or in part, as declared by him, such dues along with interest thereon shall be recovered under the provisions of section 87 of the Chapter.

The usage of the words "either fully" would clearly indicate that there is an eventuality wherein the declarant has not paid any amount even after declaring the same under the Scheme.

But obviously, this "recovery" under section 87 of the FA, 1994 would be effected only after the last date of 31/12/2014.

Nonetheless, I came across the Board clarification given against 16 of the Board Circular 170/5/2013-ST dated 08 August, 2013 and which reads -


What is the consequence if a declarant fails to pay atleast 50% of declared amount of tax dues by the 31st Dec 2013?

One of the conditions of the Scheme [section 107 (3)] is that the declarant shall pay atleast an amount equal to 50% of the declared tax dues under the Scheme, on or before the 31.12.2013. Therefore, if the declarant fails to pay atleast 50% of the declared tax dues by 31 st Dec, 2013, he would not be eligible to avail of the benefit of the scheme.

But, as analysed in the preceding paragraphs, the usage of the terms "tax dues" & "either fully or in part" in sections 107 & 110 do not support the Board view and probably this portion of the Circular too would have to be battled out in Court in a similar fashion as the clarification offered at serial no. 13 of the Circular. See 2013-TIOL-1016-HC-P&H-ST .

And by the way, there is noexpress provision in the ST VCES, 2013 which says that a declarant would not be eligible to avail of the benefit of the scheme if he does not pay the 50% by 31.12.2013.

Last but not the least, i n a money-spinning scheme like this, it was expected that there would be applicants waking up and gathering courage to file the ST VCES-1 on the last day and if this be so, the CBEC ought to have put in place the infrastructure enabling the declarant to get the registration, file the declaration and make payment on that very day.

I request that the Central Board of Excise & Customs which had gone into an overdrive in advertising the scheme, and for obvious reasons, comes out with a clarification which would be beneficial to all those "fence sitters" who tried to hitch on to the ST VCES, 2013 bandwagon on the last day but were sadly thrown off!

(DISCLAIMER : The views expressed are strictly of the author and doesn't necessarily subscribe to the same. Pvt. Ltd. is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage caused to anyone due to any interpretation, error, omission in the articles being hosted on the site. )

Sub: VCES payment defaulters

According to us the spirit of the VCES is to allow tax payers as much as installments subject to condition of 50% payment of declared tax dues before 31/12/2013 and balance 50% of declared tax dues in as much as installments subject to upper time limit up to 30/06/2014. Then to facilitate more VCES has gone ahead and extent the facility to keep on paying till 31/12/2014 with interest @ specified rate. Hence, any different interpretation may vitiate the spirit unless specifically notified.

Posted by Shrirang Kashyap
Sub: ST VCES 2013 - What if declarant couldnot pay the 50 per cent tax dues on 3112 2013

The learned Author perhaps missed the fact the proviso has been added to the Subsection (4) of Section 107 of the Finance Act, 2013 and not to the Subsection (3) of Section 107 ibid. Therefore, there is no need to discuss the issue and wasting the time of Hon'ble Courts.

Posted by mahesh khemka
Sub: VCES - failure to pay first installment

Point raised by the learned author needs to be appreciated and is certainly worth discussion. A scheme would be illusory if the machinery doesn’t allow it to be exploited to its fullest extent. Certainly, the board wanted the scheme to succeed. One can only say that it missed out to address an important link in the chain viz. timely issuance of ST-2. It did not occur to anyone that issuance of ST-2 is not immediate. Therefore,

(a) some arrangement ought to have been made so that any person were in position to initiate and complete the process of making application under VCES, filing ST-1 and making payment even on 31st December, 2013.
(b) having missed to make such arrangement, the board should provide some way out to those who have at least filed VCES-1.

I can’t see how the person who filed ST-1 on 26/12/2013 is at fault if he couldn’t make payment until 31/12/2013 merely for the reason that ST-2 had not been issued to him.

Coming to the legal debate, I do not subscribe to the view that its waste of time. Really there is scope for debate:
1. Sec 110 clearly covers the situation. Let’s say the declarant has failed to pay – what action should be taken by the department? In terms of section 110 of the Finance Act, 2013, “such dues along with interest thereon shall be recovered under the provisions of section 87”.

2. Section 110, in clear terms speaks of “fails to pay tax dues – either fully or in part”. Thus, even if the entire amount declared under VCES is not paid, the law mandates recovery of only tax and interest by recourse to Sec 87.

3. Section 110 clearly says that recovery would be made of the dues with interest – there is no mention of penalty being imposed.

4. There is nothing in any provision of the Act, depriving the declarant from the immunities granted under Sec 108, if recovery is made in terms of Sec 110. While granting immunity, the section 108 does not mention that the benefit is not to be extended if recovery is made under section 87.

5. Section 108 has to be read harmoniously with the Section 110. Upon failure to pay the amount (fully or in part), the scheme does not permit the department to invoke Sec 73 or 76 or 78 etc.

6. There is no express mention in the scheme that a declarant who does not pay the 50% amount by 31.12.2013 is evicted out of the scheme. To that extent, the clarification at sr. 16 of the board’s circular 170/5/2013-ST dated 08/08/2013 is contrary to the law.

7. Let’s presume the declaration was rejected before 31/12/2013 and the declarant filed an appeal against the rejection and won it after 31/12/2013 – would he not be allowed the benefit of the scheme?

8. Last, but not the least, does it mean that the declaration made under VCES would be used against the declarant for imposing penalties – is this legally permissible?

In my view, the issue is not free from doubt. So it is better to have a healthy discussion than pushing it under the carpet.

Sanjay Dwivedi

Posted by Sanjay R Dwivedi
Sub: ST VCES 2013 - Not missed the bus but not yet taken the ticket

At the outset I would like to congratulate the Ministry of Finance and the entire team for achieving the great success in the ST VCES 2013. It is really a 'Mathukara Vrudhthi' as defined by Chanakya.

The Analysis by the author is pragmatic. The basic concept of the scheme is to bring the outlaws to legal boundary. The intention of the Government is not to penalize and punish potential tax payer. As the author visualized there may be some service providers after long discussion with their intimates decided to declare on the last date, but they may not have time to remit the 50% or they may have financial crisis. The clear wordings of the Scheme is granting time without payment of interest up to 30th June 2014 and with interest up to 31.12.2014. The Hon'ble Board has to issue a clarification in this effect. If they give an opportunity to such declarant to make the remittance of the due on 31.12.2013 with interest in a subsequent date within the total period up to 31.12.2014, it will save their life.

R Vaidyanathan

Posted by Ramadoss Vaidyanathan
Sub: declarant couldnot pay the 50 percent tax dues

Declarat has total tax calculation 79600
paid service tax before VCES in march 2013 Rs 16000

Declared tax under VCES Rs 79600
before 31 dec 2013 paid Rs 30000 considering that 16000 will be considered under it
and in next phase paid the balance amount.

VCES is rejected on the grounds of not 50 percent of the declared tax due

Can anyone pls advice on above case

Best Regards

Posted by jay verdhan

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