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CENVAT - Distribution of ST through ISD is only facility provided under Rules and does not deal with recovery - credit, if taken wrongly, has to be recovered from person who has availed - Pre-deposit ordered: CESTAT

By TIOL News Service

MUMBAI, JULY 16, 2014: THE appellant was denied CENVAT credit of Rs.1.31 crores by CCE, Raigad on the ground that the credit is attributable to trading activities undertaken by the appellant. Penalties have also been imposed along with interest.

Before the CESTAT, the appellant took the following stand -

+ CENVAT credit has been taken on the strength of the invoices issued by their Head Office, which was registered as an Input Service Distributor (ISD) with the department and, therefore, without putting the ISD to notice, the impugned demand could not have been confirmed. It is his contention that if there is a wrong distribution of credit, it is the ISD who is responsible for paying back the wrongly distributed credit and not the appellant who has actually availed the credit. Reliance is placed on the decisions in Godfrey Philips India Pvt.Ltd. - 2009-TIOL-269-CESTAT-AHM & United Phosphorous Ltd. 2013-TIOL-793-CESTAT-AHM.  

+ It is with effect from 01/04/2011 that trading has been deemed as an “exempted service” and this deeming is by way of an explanation and the explanation states that it is for the removal of doubts. Therefore, it should be presumed that the explanation would operate retrospectively. Reliance is also placed on the Board Circular No. 943/4/2011-CX dated 29/04/2011 where to the question “What shall be the treatment of credit of input and input services used in trading before 01/04/2008”, the clarification offered is:-

“Trading is an exempted service. Hence, credit of any inputs or input services used exclusively in trading cannot be availed. Credit of common inputs and input services could be availed subject to restriction of utilization of credit upto 20% of the total duty liability as provided for in extant Rules.”

+ In as much as the appellant is entitled for the credit taken on trading activities as per the formula prescribed with effect from 01/04/2011 and in this view of the matter they were under the bonafide belief that credit could be taken in respect of trading service. The Delhi High Court decision in Lally Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. Vs. CCE - 2013-TIOL-818-HC-DEL-ST is adverted to wherein 50% pre deposit was ordered without interest.

The Revenue representative referred to the Board letter No.137/68/2013-ST dated 10/03/2014 to emphasize that it is the jurisdictional excise authorities, (who are in charge of the unit which has taken credit) who are the competent authorities to adjudicate the matter and hence the argument of the appellant on the first count does not survive. Reliance is also placed on the decision in Mercedes Benz India Pvt. Ltd. vs. CCE, Pune - 2014-TIOL-476-CESTAT-Mum wherein it is held that the explanation inserted in Rule 2 (e) of CCR, 2004 clarifying that “exempted services” includes trading is only prospective and trading is not a service prior to 01/04/2011; it is further held that for the period prior to 01/04/2011, the credit of Service Tax paid on common input services should be apportioned in the same ratio as the turnover of the manufactured and traded items. Therefore, the appellant should be put to terms.

The Bench after extracting rule 14 of CCR, 2004 observed -

++ It is the appellant manufacturer who has taken the credit and, therefore, the recovery of wrongly taken credit has to be effected from him. The distribution of service tax through ISD is only a facility provided under the Rules and does not deal with recovery. Therefore, the credit, if taken wrongly, has to be recovered from the person who has taken credit. Thus, in view of the clarification given by the Board vide Circular dated 10-3-2014, read with provisions of Rule 14 of the CCR, 2004, it is absolutely clear that it is the jurisdictional excise authority over the unit availing the credit, who should initiate the proceedings and we hold accordingly. As regards the reliance placed by the appellant on a few of the decisions of this Tribunal in this regard, the said decisions were rendered before the issue of the present clarification by the Board. Further these decisions did not examine the provision of Rule 14 for recovery of wrongly taken credit. Therefore, no reliance can be placed on these decisions.

++ In view of decision in Mercedes Benz India Pvt. Ltd. case (supra) the demand for reversal of input service tax credit by adopting the ratio of the turnover of trading activity and manufacturing activity, in the impugned order, cannot be faulted.

++ In the matter of the reliance placed on the Delhi High Court decision in Lally Automobiles Pvt. Ltd., the Bench enquired as to whether the appellant was pleading any financial hardship to which the appellant answered in the negative.

The Bench, therefore, observed that in the absence of a prima facie case and financial hardship, the balance of convenience lies in favour of Revenue. Taking note of the decisions in Dunlop India Ltd 2002-TIOL-156-SC-CX and SQL Star International 2012-TIOL-146-HC-AP-ST where it is held that the interest of revenue needs to be protected, the CESTAT directed the appellant to make a pre deposit of the entire demand of Rs.1.31 crores and report compliance for obtaining stay.

(See 2014-TIOL-1255-CESTAT-MUM)

Sub: Cenvat credit inapplicability of provision of Rule 14 of CCR to ISD reg

Gist of credit taken or utilized wrongly:

1: Under paragraph 4.2, Hon’ble Cestat has held as follows:

“In the present case, it is the appellant manufacturer who has taken credit and therefore, the recovery of wrongly taken credit has to be effected from him. The distribution of service tax through ISD is only a facility provided under the Rules and does not deal with the recovery. Therefore, the credit, if taken wrongly, has to be recovered from the person who has taken credit. Thus, in view of the clarification given by the Board vide Circular dated 10-03-2014, read with provisions of Rue of the Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004, it is absolutely clear that it is the jurisdictional authority over the unit availing the credit, who should initiate the proceedings and we hold accordingly. As regards the reliance placed by the appellant on a few of the decisions of this Tribunal in this regard, the said decisions were rendered before the issue of the present clarification by the Board. Further, these decisions did not examine the provisions of Rule 14 for recovery of wrongly taken credit., Therefore, no reliance can be placed on these decisions”.

1.1: Finally, Hon has ordered pre-deposit.

2: Above mentioned Board’s circular is not available either in or ELT or STR or even in CBEC site. It is not known what was the clarification sought for and what the clarification was given.

2: What is wrong credit is not defined anywhere in the CE Rules or Finance Act 1994 or Cenvat Credit Rules.

3: It is felt that “wrong credit” can be attributed to the following: [only examples]

i) Excess credit over and above the invoice amount;
ii) Credit taken on photo copy of invoice /BE etc;
iii) Taking of full credit (i.e. 100%) as against 50% in respect of Capital Goods can be said to be a wrong credit. In other words, as per CCR provisions, Credit on CGs can be taken to the extent of 50% in the year in which CGs received. As against this, if 100% credit on Capital Goods in the same Financial Year, then the excess 50% credit taken meant for the 2nd year can be said to be wrong credit;
iv) If credit is taken based on a document other than the documents mentioned in Rule 9 of CCR can be considered as credit taken wrongly.
v) If credit is taken twice, second credit can be said to be wrong credit.
vi) Credit taken on ineligible item can be said to be wrong availment of credit.

4: ISD provision is a special provision given under Cenvat Credit Rules. Provisions of clause (m) of Rule 2 read with provisions of rule 7 of CCR 2004, rule 4A of Service Tax Rules 1994 and Board’s Circular No.97/6/2007-ST dated 23/08/2007 have to be read together. (Point 2.3) It is settled law that Special provision will prevail over general provisions.

4.1: Upto 31/03/2012, there were 2 conditions under Rule 7 of CCR for the purpose of distributing the credit and with effect from 01/04/2012, two more conditions were imposed for distribution of the credit by the input Service Distributor. Amendment in distribution of Cenvat Credit by ISD from 1st April 2014 vide Notification No.05/2014 also allows ISD to distribute credit to the unit vide Rule 7(a). Some changes have been incorporated in Rule 7(b), 7(c), 7(d). There are no changes in Explanation 1 and 2.

4.2: Clause (g) of sub-rule (1) of Rule 9 of CCR prescribes an invoice, a bill or challan issued by an Input Service Distributors under Rule 4A of Service Tax Rules 1994 as a recognized document for availing credit against distribution.

5: In pursuance of provisions of rules mentioned under paragraph 4 to 4.2, if credit is taken by the unit of the ISD, then it cannot be said to be wrong credit taken or availed.

5.1: Lawfully taken credit cannot be recovered under Rule 14 of CCR 2004. In view of the mandate of Rule 14 of CCR 2004 to call back the cenvat credit without being wrongly taken or wrongly utilized, demand is unsustainable.

6: It is felt that Rule 14 of CCR can be pressed into service only if credits are taken not in pursuance of provisions of Cenvat Credit Rules. Rule 14 cannot be made applicable for recovery at the end of recipient unit. .

Chennai-600 092. K. MANI.
17/07/2014. Consultant.

Posted by kk mani

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