News Update

PM pained by disunity among Govt Departments; vows to make Govt organic entity; Govt to replace Planning Commission by New Think Tank

By TIOL News Service

NEW DELHI, AUG 15, 2014: SPEAKING from the ramparts of historic Lal Quila, the Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, today made many important but simple and down-to-earth announcements in his maiden speech. Talking about his 'Dream' he urged all the citizens to contribute to the cause of building National Character. On this occasion the PM also announced a major new scheme to universalize banking access and financial inclusion, the Prime Minister announced the Pradhanmantri Jan-Dhan Yojana which will provide for a bank account, a debit card and an insurance amount of Rs one lakh, to poor families.

The Prime Minister said that a nationwide "Skill India" movement will be initiated to provide skills which ensure employability.

Mr Modfi also announced a vision of "Come and Make in India" inviting manufacturers from across the world to invest in India, and help boost India's industrial growth. He called upon the youth of India to unleash their entrepreneurial spirit and work towards manufacturing in India, the various items that add to our import bill. Let "Made in India" become a synonym of excellence, he added.

Emphasizing that digital infrastructure is a priority to empower the citizens, Mr Modi announced his Government's resolve to work towards Digital India, which would provide information and services to the people in a timely and effective manner.

Stressing on the need for cleanliness, the Prime Minister announced his Government's resolve for "Swachh Bharat" – a vision which will be launched on October 2 nd this year, to be accomplished by 2019, on the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. In a related initiative, the Prime Minister said the first step towards "Swachh Bharat" begins with immediate effect, through a commitment to build toilets in all schools, including separate toilets for girls, within one year.

The Prime Minister announced the launch of the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana, under which each Member of Parliament would be invited to make one model village in his constituency, by 2016. He said a complete blueprint for this scheme would be announced on October 11 th , the birth anniversary of Mr Jayaprakash Narayan.

Mr Modi announced that a new institution would be created to replace the Planning Commission. This new institution would respect the federal structure of the country, he asserted.

Thanking all Members of Parliament, including the Opposition Parties for a productive session of Parliament, the Prime Minister said his Government wished to move forward by consensus.

Referring to reports of the positive change in work culture of the Union Government since he took over as Prime Minister, the he said he was taken aback by such news reports – since it should be the norm for Government Servants to work with due diligence. The Prime Minister said the fact that this should make news, shows how low our collective standards of duty and responsibility have fallen. The Prime Minister called upon society to give up the selfish attitude of "Mera Kya, Mujhe Kya."

The Prime Minister also said he was appalled by the discord and disunity among various Government departments that he saw after assuming office. He assured the people that he would resolve this issue, so that the Government of India worked not as an assembled entity, but as an organic entity. The Prime Minister said development and good governance were the only two tracks which could take the nation forward.

The Prime Minister expressed dismay at the rising number of rape incidents in the country. Pointing out that daughters are asked a lot of questions in a family, he called upon parents to question their sons also, and keep a tab on their activities. Every rapist is someone's son, the Prime Minister said. In a similar vein, he called upon misguided youth who had taken to terrorism or Maoism, to give up violence and return to the national mainstream.

The Prime Minister quoted Mr Aurobindo and Swami Vivekananda, reflecting on their vision to see India as a "Jagatguru" once again, and called upon all Indians to help convert this vision into reality.

Sub: PM's ID address

There was mention of late Prime Minister Lalbahadur Shastri.There was no mention of any member of Nehru-Gandhi dynasty on Independence Day which was a regular feature for the last 10 years.

Posted by shashwat jain

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