News Update

7th Pay Commission Report - Boon or Bane

JANUARY 12, 2016

By Samir Kumar Sinha

1. THE Seventh Central Pay Commission (7th CPC) has recommended 14.29% increase in the basic pay and pension for civil employees with effect from 01.01.2016 after 100% neutralization of the expected Dearness Allowance(DA) @ 125% as on 01.01.2016. Also, there are recommendations for changes in certain allowances. Key highlights of recommendations have already been published on this website on 19.11.2015. Accordingly, government has set up an Implementation Cell for processing and implementing the accepted recommendations of the7th CPC.

2. As per media reports, most of the employees are not happy with the recommendation since there was expectation for hefty increase in salary. Also, their representations for more facilities were not considered. Obviously, if the expectation is not fulfilled, there is disappointment.

3. The 7th CPC was mandated by its terms of reference to examine, review and recommend changes in the principles that govern the emoluments structure for a number of employees' categories. Earlier the thrust of all the previous Pay Commissions had been to propose an improvement in the pay structure by way of ‘simplification and rationalisation'. If this aspect is considered, it can be said that recommendations by the 7th CPC is the best among all Pay Commissions' recommendations inspite of certain anomalies.

4. Although 14.29% increase in the basic pay appears to be small, overall increase in the gross emoluments is satisfactory. This can be understood by the following example in the case of minimum pay recommended by the 7th CPC with effect from 01.01.2016:

S. No.


After 7th CPC

Before 7th CPC




Basic Pay






Dearness Allowance






House Rent Allowance






Transport Allowance











(Note: House Rent Allowance(HRA) and Transport Allowance(TA) have been considered for 'A' class cities.)

5. From the above table, it is clear that although HRA rate has been reduced by 6%, HRA amount has been increased by 105.71%. After 100% neutralization of Dearness Allowance (DA), overall increase in the gross emoluments is 23.28%. Also, the 7th CPC has retained the annual increment @ 3% of the basic pay which means that there is also substantial increase in the annual increment amount since basic pay has been increased by 157.14%. As such, proposed structure of pay for civil employees is satisfactory.

6. The 7th CPC has recommended a revised pension formulation for civil employees who have retired before 01.01.2016(expected date of implementation of the 7th CPC recommendations). Such pensioners shall first be fixed in the Pay Matrix being recommended by the 7th CPC on the basis of Pay Band and Grade Pay at which they retired, at the minimum of the corresponding level in the pay matrix. This amount shall be raised to arrive at the notional pay of retirees, by adding number of increments he/she had earned in that level while in service at the rate of 3 percent. Fifty percent of the total amount so arrived at shall be the new pension.

7. As per the second calculation, current basic pension shall be multiplied by the fitment factor of 2.57 to ascertain the revised pension at an alternate value. The pensioner will get the higher of the two formulations. This method of calculation for pension will bring about complete parity of the past pensioners with the current retirees.

8. In the case of fixation of basic pay for civil employees, only fitment factor of 2.57 has been considered to ascertain the revised basic pay. If the 7th CPC would have considered the similar recommended formulations for pensioners in respect of fixing the civil employees in the recommended Pay Matrix on the basis of current Pay Band and Grade Pay, there would have been more benefits to civil employees.

9. As mentioned in para 5.1.49 of the report, the 7thCPC has suggested that India should have a permanent Remuneration Authority. Contents of para 5.1.49 are as mentioned below:

"The Commission, after its interaction with the authorities of Australia and New Zealand feels that India should have a permanent Remuneration Authority that should review the pay structure based on job roles evaluation, remunerations prevailing in the market for comparable job profiles, general working of the economy etc within a budgetary outlay. With this, the pay structure could be revised periodically, at more regular intervals, say annually, without putting an undue burden on the public exchequer every ten years, as is the case now. Such a periodic review may have many possible fallouts: impact of revision of wages could be easily absorbed in each year's budget and quicker remediation of anomalies would take place, leading to greater employee satisfaction. In the backdrop of annual revision, the present system of biannual revision of DA could also be dispensed with."

10. The aforesaid observations of the 7th CPC is remarkable. If Planning Commission can be replaced with NITI(National Institution for Transforming India) Aayog, Pay Commission may also be replaced by a permanent Remuneration Authority as suggested by the 7 th CPC. After recommendations of Pay Commission, Implementation Cell and, thereafter, Pay Anomaly Committee are set up. In view of the above mentioned observation of the 7th CPC, it is better to set up a permanent Remuneration Authority instead of setting up three entities.

11. Let us hope that the government will implement the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission(7th CPC) in toto.

(DISCLAIMER : The views expressed are strictly of the author and doesn't necessarily subscribe to the same. Pvt. Ltd. is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage caused to anyone due to any interpretation, error, omission in the articles being hosted on the sites)


Sub: Boon or Bane

Not to enter into argument:

1.6th CPC Minimum Basic Pay =Rs.7000/-
2.DA@125% =Rs.8750/-
3.Pay+DA =Rs.15750/-
4.Recommended 7th CPC =Rs.18000/-
5.Increase in realwages =Rs.2250/-
6.Higher deductions for CGEIS & NPS =Rs.2370/-
7th CPC = Rs.1500/-
6th CPC = Rs.30/-
Diff. = (-) Rs.1470/-
10% of 18000 = Rs.1800/-
10% of 7000 = Rs.700/-
Diff. = Rs.900/-
7. Difference in take home pay (5-6) =(-) Rs.120/-


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