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Karnataka Tax on Entry of Goods - a person, invoking an exception or exemption provision, to relieve him of tax liability must establish that he is covered by said provisions and, in case of doubt, benefit of it must go to State: SC

By TIOL News Service

NEW DELHI, APR 16, 2016: THE appellant is a registered under the provisions of the KST Act. The appellant is engaged in the manufacture of Dry Manganese Dioxide Batteries (DMD batteries). It has its manufacturing Unit at Somanahalli, Maddur Taluk, which falls under Zone-II of the notification dated 23.06.1997 issued by the State Government. Before establishing its manufacturing Unit at Somanahalli, Maddur Taluk, the appellant-company had approached the State Government for grant of incentive and exemption under the provisions of the KST Act and also under the provisions of the Karnataka Sales Tax Act, 1957. Pursuant to the request so made, the State Government had issued a Notification/Government Order in No. CI.92.SPI.1997 dated 25.06.1997 inter alia granting exemption from payment of entry tax on raw materials and component parts for a period of six years from the date of commencement of commercial production. In the Notification/Government Order, it was made clear that the appellant-company should make an investment of a sum of Rs.111 crores, to claim benefit under the notification dated 25.06.1997. After obtaining the said exemption from the State Government, the appellant-company established its manufacturing Unit at Somanahalli, Maddur Taluk. But for various reasons, the appellant-company could not make investment of a sum of Rs. 111 crores, as envisaged under the notification dated 25.06.1997. Therefore, the appellant-company was ineligible to claim the "Tax Holiday" under the aforesaid notification.

The Assessing Authority had initiated reassessment proceedings and had passed an order which levied entry tax on the causing of entry of raw materials and components into the local area, on the ground that the appellant company could not have availed tax exemption, since it did not fulfill the primary condition stipulated in the notification dated 25.06.1997 and it was also held by the Assessing Authority that since Government Order/Notification dated 25.06.1997 had been specifically issued granting entry tax exemption to the appellant company subject to fulfilling certain conditions, the appellant company is ineligible to seek exemption under general notification No. FD.11.CET.93 (3) dated 31.03.1993.

The Supreme Court observed,

The order dated 25.06.1997 was passed granting exemption to the appellant from payment of entry tax on raw materials and component parts for a period of six years from the date of commencement of commercial products. However, it was subject to the condition that the appellant should make an investment in the sum of Rs.111 crores in order to enable itself to claim the benefit of the aforesaid notification. It is an admitted fact that due to certain reasons, the appellant could not fulfill this condition as it did not invest Rs.111 crores in the project, as envisaged in the notification dated 25.06.1997. Therefore, insofar as exemption notification dated 25.06.1997 which was issued specifically in the case of the appellant, the appellant cannot be held entitled to the benefit thereof as it failed to fulfill the conditions.

The appellant, however, still claims the exemption by virtue of general Notification dated 31.03.1993 issued under the Entry Tax Act. This notification was issued under Section 11A of the Entry Tax Act. Vide this notification, the Government of Karnataka exempted the tax payable under the Entry Tax Act on the entry of raw materials, component parts and inputs and machinery and its parts into a local area for use in the manufacture of an immediate or finished product by the new industrial units. This notification contains a 'Table' which enlists type of industries and location of industries which are entitled to exemption as well as the period of exemption. It is not in dispute that the appellant industry stands covered by one such category of industry the description whereof is given in the notification. It is also located at a place which is stipulated in the said notification.

It is trite that exemption notifications require strict interpretation. In order to get benefit of any exemption notification, assessee has to satisfy that it fulfills all the conditions contained in the notification.

In Novopan India Ltd. v. CCE and Customs - 2002-TIOL-89-SC-CX-LB, this Court held that a person, invoking an exception or exemption provisions, to relieve him of tax liability must establish clearly that he is covered by the said provisions and, in case of doubt or ambiguity, the benefit of it must go to the State.

It is a different matter that once the conditions contained in the exemption notification are satisfied and the assessee gets covered by the exemption notification, for the purpose of giving benefit notification has to be construed liberally. However, in the present case, the appellant has not been able to cross the threshold and to find entry under notification dated 31.03.1993 for the reasons mentioned above. Therefore, we have no option but to hold that the appellant was not entitled to exemption from entry tax.

(See 2016-TIOL-42-SC-VAT)


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