News Update

Income Tax - Protest by IRS officers - Association meets Finance Minister; Issues to be 'suitably addressed', says Jaitley

By TIOL News Service

NEW DELHI, JULY 30, 2016: AS reported by TIOL TUBE early today, the four office-bearers of the IRS Association (Income Tax) met the Union Finance, Mr Arun Jaitley, in the evening and highlighted the various trigger points of disgruntlement among the IRS officers across the country. While reposing faith & respect in the Finance Minister, the Association has also urged their Mumbai Unit to suspend the on-going protest which started with the passing of a Resolution on July 22, 2016.

The officers's delegation strongly communicated the deep sense of deprivation and injustice amongst IRS officers leading to severe discontent and demoralization. The Association highlighted the operational difficulties of the IRS officers including role and authority of CBDT. The issue of cadre mismanagement, which has resulted in delay in promotions at various supervisory levels despite large number of vacancies, the officers being overburdened as the officers are holding multiple charges due to vacancies, was also discussed. The disparity in empanelment vis-a-vis other services, particularly at the level of Joint Secretary and above and disparities in pay structure i.e. increments on promotion, was brought to the notice of the Minister.

In its representation the Association highlighted the following issues:

++ The FM may kindly ensure that the CBDT, whose powers and functions emanate from Central Board of Revenue Act, 1963 & Income Tax Act, 1961, be allowed to administer Direct Tax policies of the Government, strictly as per the said Acts;

++ Serious Manpower shortages at supervisory levels may be addressed urgently and that promotions at all levels should be carried out without any further delay;

++ Empanelment at Joint Secretary level and above should be expedited and there should be parity with IAS;

++ Parity in Pay should be granted and two additional increments on promotion to STS, JAG and Selection Grade should also be given to IRS officers;

++ Considering the circumstances surrounding the issues at Mumbai, the punitive transfers affected and disciplinary action initiated against officers should be reversed.

The delegation was led by the IRS Association President, Mr Akhilesh Ranjan. The other office-bearers were Mr P.K. Gupta (Vice President), Mr Jayant Misra(General Secretary) and Ms. Anchal Khandelwal (Joint Secretary).

And what did FM say? The Press Note issued by the Association states: "The Hon’ble Finance Minister gave a very patient hearing to the delegation and empathized with the concerns of the IRS officers and gave the assurance that the issues raised will be suitably addressed."


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