News Update

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Letter to the Prime Minister

DECEMBER 05, 2016

By G Natarajan

I have always been apolitical, may be because of the despondency developed out of the by and large undeniable fact that none of the political parties can boast of absolute devotion to public good, sans corruption and self interest. So let me share my thoughts on your recent move to demonetize the Rs.500 and Rs.1000 notes, without any political leaning.

Corruption is deep rooted in our country and it may be highly impossible to completely weed it out. What is more worrying is the enormous proportions to which it has risen in recent times. Crores have become meaningless and the size of parallel illicit cash economy is mind boggling. Unless the same is checked, the entire economic fulcrum of our country would be in great peril. Last few weeks is full of views circulated in social media either hailing the demonetization or decrying it. The logjam in Parliament is not likely to subside and the fate of other crucial legislative business, including GST Bill is in limbo. The media is noisy highlighting the sufferings of the so called common man. Die hard enemies in politics are joining hands for liberating the common man from his travails. While the objective is welcomed, the method is decried. Lack of preparedness is alleged. Questions are also being raised about the efficacy of the move in curbing black money, why not Rs.2000 notes be hoarded, etc. It is also intriguing while the common man is brazing for hours in queues to change his few old notes, those who are believed to be hoarding crores and crores are not to be seen out on the streets. May be busy in making all efforts to convert the old notes into new notes by all means. As any other section of the society, the banking system is also having its own black sheep, which help the dubious characters in the laundering task. Even the suave ex-PM is speaking of "organised loot and legalised plunder" Amid this din, I have the following to convey to you, as an ordinary common man.

No doubt, it is a daring act with noble intentions. As it is rightly being pointed out, this move alone cannot be the panacea for all ills, be it terror funding, fake currency, black money, et all but has to be followed up with several other measures, which could be more tough, socially and politically. No doubt there is bound to be inconvenience and chaos, to which the common of India is ever used to. True, people may start hoarding Rs.2000 notes hereafter, which may be more convenient. True, that all those who had unaccounted money have not come forward to deposit the same in their bank accounts, exposing them to tax liabilities but are still trying to wash it off by all means. But, I could foresee the following possibilities in the long run.

-  At least a small section of gullible persons would have realised that all that is not worth the trouble and may mend their ways, which is good for the society.

-  The scale and surge of corruption index is bound to be slowed down at least for the next 10 years and if sustained efforts are taken, the same would plummet further.

-  If not stopping the corruption clock, at least by pushing it back by few hours, we can march ahead in time.

-  At least the next generation would realise that corruption and black money is not a way of life but an evil.

All said and done, my support to you on this monumental move is 8 out of the scale of 10 and I can give a centum, only if,

-  I feel assured that you are really serious about it and several other measures are also taken in tune with this historic move, notwithstanding the outcry of the rarely united opposition.

-  I feel assured that no one, including the ruling party men are not an exception to the tough measures and nobody is going scot free.

-  Being born and brought up in a corruption ridden society, I do not mind even if there are accusations against your own party and your own colleagues or even against you in the past and willing to start a fresh lease of life, as if we got the freedom on November 8, if my faith and belief as to the genuineness and your commitment towards the ultimate objectives of this noble move are never ever shattered.

(DISCLAIMER : The views expressed are strictly of the author and doesn't necessarily subscribe to the same. Pvt. Ltd. is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage caused to anyone due to any interpretation, error, omission in the articles being hosted on the sites)

Sub: Demonetization

The problem is most of the younger generations today, have not seen and interacted with a tall political leader, with blemish less image. Media has not only brought of news with pace, but coloured many news to such an extent that facts seem to be distorted.

In my opinion, once demonetization of the two high valued notes is accepted as a step in right direction, the support for it should be unconditional. This step hails the honest and nails the rotten. The people should sacrifice for the larger interest of the nation, whatever be the inconvenience, for it is not as much a pain as our fore-fathers have gone through for getting freedom. The trend set is catching up. The spontaneous support, the enthusiasm with which small traders, auto-wallas wanting to become tech-savy to march towards cash-less society, would make big brothers to change for good and start recording all the transactions, which automatically ensure many things such as more revenue, friendly tax laws, easy of doing business and ultimately freedom from corrupt practices. So, it is time for sacrifice, support and "blind" following of tall leader. Jai Hind.

Posted by V Ravindran

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