News Update

Cabinet nod for Incentive scheme for promotion of low-value BHIM-UPI transactionsCabinet approves Revised National Program for Dairy DevelopmentI-T - Interest paid to assessee u/s 244-A of Income Tax Act, will be recoverable, if appeal filed by I-T Department is decided against assessee: HCCabinet okays Greenfield Highway starting from JNPA Port to Chowk in MaharashtraCus - Detention of seized goods is invalid where no SCN was issued to assessee within 6-month limitation; no personal hearing granted either: HCCabinet approves implementation of revised Rashtriya Gokul MissionGST - Limitation of 60 days period prescribed u/s 62(2) appears to be directory in nature - Right to file returns cannot be taken away: HCCabinet approves new Brownfield Ammonia-Urea Complex Namrup IV Fertilizer PlantGST - Fake ITC availment - Court considers the nature and gravity of the accusation and grants bail: HCSunita Williams says She never dreamt of becoming astronaut in childhoodGST - Criminal prosecution - Second FIR can be valid if it concerns a different offence arising from the same facts: HCBus catches fire; 4 pax burnt to deathGST - Rejecting input tax credit claim due to a minor error, causes substantial harm to assessee: HCIt all began in 1860...Cus - Appellant's refund claim denied for excess CVD paid on imported mobile phones, holding that claim is time-barred, lacked reassessment and failed to prove that duty burden is not passed on to buyers: CESTATCustoms - Rules amended for administration of Rules of Origin under trade pactsCus - Royalty payments for manufacturing know-how are not related to imported goods and should not be added to assessable value: CESTATTrump, Putin agree for partial ceasefire if Ukraine okays itCus - SCN issued beyond the limitation period prescribed therefor, is not sustainable: CESTATDGTR releases findings in safeguard probe into imports of non-alloy and alloy steel flat productsCBIC notifies definitive anti-dumping duty on ‘Soft Ferrite Cores’ from ChinaCBDT notifies u/s 138 Addl Chief Secretary of Delhi for sharing information to identify eligible beneficiaries under social welfare schemesST - Amounts, being payments for premature termination of contract, are not considered service-related; thus not taxable under Section 66E of Finance Act, 1994: CESTATBoxing Federation tosses out SG and Treasurer after serious embezzlement charges levelledLIC urges RBI to issue 100-year Govt bondsIAEA Director General says India’s N-sector among most dynamicMexico City amends rules to make bullfights less harmfulTrump Administration releases rest of JFK assassination papersCredit Scheme for MSMEs provides 60% guarantee up to Rs 100 Cr
No directive to mining companies to review EIA for carbon emissions: Minister

By TIOL News Service

NEW DELHI, MAR 18, 2025: IN line with India's Panchamrit & Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) commitments, Ministry of Coal is promoting sustainable coal mining and reduction in carbon footprint by encouraging the following:

- Greening Initiatives - Bio-Reclamation/Plantation: The Coal/Lignite PSUs have been constantly making efforts to minimize the footprints of coal mining through sustained reclamation and afforestation of areas in and around their operating mines.

- Energy Efficiency Measures: Coal/Lignite PSUs have been taking various energy conservation and efficiency measures over the years to reduce carbon intensity such as replacement of conventional lights with LED lights, installation of energy-efficient air conditioners, super fans, deployment of EVs and installation of efficient water heaters, energy-efficient motors for pumps, auto timers in street lights etc.

- Green Credit Programme: Coal PSUs are also participating in extensive plantation under Green Credit Program launched by MoEF&CC.

- First Mile Connectivity (FMC) projects: The Coal PSUs have taken steps to upgrade the mechanized coal transportation and loading system under 'First Mile Connectivity' projects. Commissioning of FMC projects in coal mining areas reduces consumption of diesel significantly and therefore reduces carbon emissions.

- Deployment of Blast free technology in coal mining: Coal companies are deploying modern equipment having environment friendly features, like Surface Miner, Continuous Miner in coal mining, which eliminates the drilling, blasting and crushing operations in coal and hence, in turn, obviates pollution caused due to these operations. Rippers are also being deployed for blast-less removal of overburden in some mines.

- Renewable Energy and clean coal initiatives: Coal PSUs have also started commissioning Renewable Energy power projects. Additionally, they are venturing into various clean coal technologies like Coal gasification, Coal Bed methane (CBM) etc.

Sustainable coal production is being promoted by ensuring compliance with applicable environmental laws like prior Environmental Clearance (EC), Forest Clearance (FC), Consent to Operate (CTO), Consent to Establish (CTE) etc. In addition, the steps adopted to reduce carbon emissions and environmental impact due to coal mining includes:

- Use of surface miners, continuous miners, highwall / longwall mining, etc.

- Increasing installation & usage of First Mile Connectivity (FMC) initiatives to reduce coal transport via roads.

- Improving energy efficiency across coal mining projects.

- Reclamation and eco-restoration of mined-out areas including development of eco-parks, mine tourism sites, etc.

- Conceptualizing re-purposing of de-coaled areas for sustainable uses like installation of renewable energy generation plants, development of agricultural avenues for surrounding communities, development of mine sumps, etc.

At present, there is no specific directive / guideline stipulating the number of times mining companies are required to review their Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), particularly with reference to carbon emissions.

This information was given by Union Minister of Coal and Mines G. Kishan Reddy in a written reply in Rajya Sabha yesterday.


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