Untitled Document
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
(Department of Pharmaceuticals)
Dated: May 15, 2013
S.O. 1221(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Essential Commodities Act, 1955, (10 of 1955), and supersession of the Drug (Prices Control) Order, 1995, except as respect to things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby makes the following Order, namely:-
1. Short title and commencement.-
(1) This Order may be called the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013.
(2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Definitions.-
(1) In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) “Act” means the Essential Commodity Act, 1955 (10 of 1955);
(b) "active pharmaceutical ingredients or bulk drug" means any pharmaceutical, chemical, biological or plant product including its salts, esters, isomers, analogues and derivatives, conforming to standards specified in the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940) and which is used as such or as an ingredient in any formulation;
(c) “brand” means a name, term, design, symbol, trademark or any other feature that identifies one seller’s drug as distinct from those of other sellers;
(d) "ceiling price" means a price fixed by the Government for Scheduled formulations in accordance with the provisions of this Order;
(e) "dealer" means a person carrying on the business of purchase or sale of drugs, whether as a wholesaler or retailer and includes his agent;
(f) "distributor" means a person engaged in the work of distribution of drugs and includes an agent or a stockist for stocking drugs for sale to a dealer;
(g) “existing manufacturer” means manufacturer existing on the date of publication of this order in the Official Gazette.
(h) "Form" means a form specified in the Second Schedule;
(i) "formulation" means a medicine processed out of or containing one or more drugs with or without use of any pharmaceutical aids, for internal or external use for or in the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of disease and, but shall not include-
(i) any medicine included in any bonafide Ayurvedic (including Sidha) or Unani (Tibb) systems of medicines;
(ii) any medicine included in the Homeopathic system of medicine; and
(iii) any substance to which the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940) do not apply;
(j) “generic version of a medicine” means a formulation sold in pharmacopeial name or the name of the active pharmaceutical ingredient contained in the formulation, without any brand name;
(k) "Government" means the Central Government;
(l) "import" with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions means bringing a drug into India from a place outside India for its sale;
(m) “local taxes” means any tax or levy (except excise or import duty included in retail price) paid or payable to the Government or the State Government or any local body under any law for the time being in force by the manufacturer or his agent or dealer;
(n) "manufacturer" for the purpose of this Order means any person who manufactures, imports and markets drugs for distribution or sale in the country;
(o) “market share” means the ratio of domestic sales value (on the basis of moving annual turnover) of a brand or a generic version of a medicine and the sum of total domestic sales value of the all brands and generic versions of that medicine sold in the domestic market having same strength and dosage form;
(p) “margin to retailer” for the purposes of this Order shall mean a percentage of price to retailer;
(q) “market based data” means the data of sales related to a drug collected or obtained by the Government as deemed fit, from time to time;
(r) “maximum retail price” means the ceiling price or the retail price plus local taxes and duties as applicable, at which the drug shall be sold to the ultimate consumer and where such price is mentioned on the pack;
(s) “moving annual turnover” in a particular month means cumulative sales value for twelve months in domestic market, where the sales value of that month is added and the corresponding sales of the same month in the previous year are subtracted;
(t) “National List of Essential Medicines” means National List of Essential Medicines, 2011 published by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare as updated or revised from time to time and included in the first schedule of this order by the Government through a notification in the Official Gazette;
(u) “new drug” for the purposes of this Order shall mean a formulation launched by an existing manufacturer of a drug of specified dosages and strengths as listed in the National List of Essential Medicines by combining the drug with another drug either listed or not listed in the National List of Essential Medicines or a formulation launched by changing the strength or dosages or both of the same drug of specified dosages and strengths as listed in the National List of Essential Medicines.
(v) "non-scheduled formulation" means a formulation, the dosage and strengths of which are not specified in the First Schedule;
(w) “pharmacoeconomics” means a scientific discipline that compares the therapeutic value of one pharmaceutical drug or drug therapy to another;
(x) "price list" means a price list referred to in paragraphs 24 and 25 and includes a supplementary price list;
(y) “price to retailer” means the price of a drug at which it is sold to a retailer which includes duties and does not include local taxes;
(z) "retail price" means the price fixed by the Government for a new drug under paragraph 5;
(za) "retailer" means a dealer carrying on the retail business of sale of drugs to customers;
(zb) “scheduled formulation" means any formulation, included in the First Schedule whether referred to by generic versions or brand name;
(zc) "schedule" means a Schedule appended to this Order;
(zd) "wholesaler" means a dealer or his agent or a stockist engaged in the sale of drugs to a retailer, hospital, dispensary, medical, educational or research institution or any other agency;
(ze) “wholesale price index” means annual wholesale price index of all commodities as announced by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Government of India, from time to time.
(2) All other words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the Act or the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940) shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the said Acts.
3. Directions to manufacturers of active pharmaceutical ingredients or bulk drugs or formulations.-
The Government may,-
(i) with a view to achieve adequate availability and to regulate the distribution of drugs, in case of emergency or in circumstances of urgency or in case of non-commercial use in public interest, direct any manufacturer of any active pharmaceutical ingredient or bulk drug or formulation to increase the production and to sell such active pharmaceutical ingredient or bulk drug to such other manufacturer(s) of formulations and to direct formulators to sell the formulations to institutions, hospitals or any agency as the case may be;
(ii) for the purpose of giving any direction under sub-paragraph (i), call for such information from manufacturers of active pharmaceutical ingredients or bulk drugs or formulations, as it may consider necessary and such manufacturer shall furnish the required information within such time the Government may fix.
4. Calculation of ceiling price of a scheduled formulation.-
(1) The ceiling price of a scheduled formulation of specified strengths and dosages as specified under the first schedule shall be calculated as under:
Step1. First the Average Price to Retailer of the scheduled formulation i.e. P(s) shall be calculated as below:
Average Price to Retailer, P(s) = (Sum of prices to retailer of all the brands and generic versions of the medicine having market share more than or equal to one percent of the total market turnover on the basis of moving annual turnover of that medicine) / (Total number of such brands and generic versions of the medicine having market share more than or equal to one percent of total market turnover on the basis of moving annual turnover for that medicine.)
Step2. Thereafter, the ceiling price of the scheduled formulation i.e. P(c) shall be calculated as below:
P(c) = P(s).(1+M/100), where
P(s) = Average Price to Retailer for the same strength and dosage of the medicine as calculated in step1 above.
M = % Margin to retailer and its value =16
(2) The ceiling price calculated as per sub-paragraph (1) and notified by the Government shall be applicable to scheduled imported formulations also.
5. Calculation of retail price of a new drug for existing manufacturers of scheduled formulations.-
(1) The retail price of the new drug available in domestic market shall be calculated as provided in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 4.
(2) (i) the price to retailer of a new drug, not available in domestic market, shall be fixed by the Government on the principles of “Pharmacoeconomics” of the new drug, on the recommendation of a Standing Committee of Experts formed under paragraph 15.
(ii) the retail price of such new drug shall be fixed by adding sixteen percent margin to retailer on the price to retailer as fixed in item (i):
6. Ceiling price of a scheduled formulation in case of no reduction in price due to absence of competition.-
(1) where the average price to retailer of a scheduled formulation, arrived at as per the formula specified in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 4, has the effect of,-
(a) no reduction in average price to retailer with respect to the prices to retailer of the schedule formulation; and
(b) there are less than five manufacturers for that formulation having one percent or more market share, the ceiling price shall be calculated as under:-
(i) in the event of other strengths or dosage forms of the same scheduled formulation is available in the list of scheduled formulation, the average price to retailer shall be calculated as under:
Step1: First the Average Price to Retailer of such scheduled formulation i.e. P(s) shall be calculated as under:
P(s) = Pm{1-(Pi1+Pi2+…)/(N*100)} Where,
Pm = Price to Retailer of highest priced scheduled formulation under consideration.
Pi = % reduction in Average Price to Retailer of other strengths and dosage forms (calculated as in step1 of sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 4) in the list of schedule formulations w.r.t the highest priced formulation taken for calculating the average price to retailer of such strengths and dosage forms.
N = Number of such other strengths or dosage forms or both in the list of schedule formulations
Step2. Thereafter, the ceiling price of the scheduled formulation i.e. P(c) shall be calculated as under:
P(c) = P(s).(1+M/100), where
P(s) = Average Price to Retailer of the scheduled formulation as calculated in step1 hereinabove and
M = % Margin to retailer and its value=16
(ii) in the event of other strengths or dosage forms of the scheduled formulation is not available in the schedule but there are other scheduled formulations in same sub- therapeutic category as that of the scheduled formulation, then the Ceiling Price shall be calculated as under:
Step1: First the Average Price to Retailer of such scheduled formulation i.e. P(s) shall be calculated as under:
P(s) = Pm{1-(Pi1+Pi2+…)/(N*100)}, Where,
Pm = Price of highest priced formulation taken for calculating the average price to retailer of the formulation under consideration..
Pi = % reduction in Average Price to Retailer of other schedule formulations (calculated as in step1 of sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 4) in same sub-therapeutic category as that of the scheduled formulation under consideration w.r.t the highest priced formulation taken for calculating the average price to retailer.
N = Number of such other schedule formulations in same sub-therapeutic category as that of the scheduled formulation under consideration.
Step2. Thereafter, the ceiling price of the scheduled formulation i.e. P(c) shall be calculated as under:
P(c) = P(s)*(1+M/100), where
P(s) = Average Price to Retailer of the scheduled formulation as calculated in step1 above and
M = % Margin to retailer and its value=16
Explanation.- where the scheduled formulation under consideration is coming under more than one sub-therapeutic category, the Average Price to Retailer of the scheduled formulation shall be calculated after taking into consideration the percentage reduction in Average Price to Retailer of other schedule formulations under all such sub-therapeutic categories and the lowest average price to retailer shall be taken for calculating the ceiling price of the scheduled formulation under consideration;
(iii) in case the other strengths or dosage forms of the scheduled formulation are not available in the schedule and there is no sub therapeutic category of the scheduled under consideration, the ceiling price shall be calculated as under:
Step1: First the Average Price to Retailer of such scheduled formulation i.e. P(s) shall be calculated as under:
P(s) = Pm{1-(Pi1+Pi2+…)/(N*100)} Where,
Pm = Price of highest priced formulation taken for calculating the average price to retailer of the formulation under consideration.
Pi = % reduction in Average Price to Retailer of other schedule formulations (calculated as in step1 sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 4) in same therapeutic category as that of the scheduled formulation under consideration w.r.t the highest priced formulation taken for calculating the average price to retailer.
N = Number of such other schedule formulations in same therapeutic category as that of the scheduled formulation under consideration.
Step2. Thereafter, the ceiling price of the scheduled formulation i.e. P(c) shall be calculated as under:
P(c) = P(s).(1+M/100), where
P(s) = Average Price to Retailer of the scheduled formulation as calculated in step1 above and
M = % Margin to retailer and its value=16
Explanation.- where the scheduled formulation under consideration is coming under more than one therapeutic category, the Average Price to Retailer of the scheduled formulation shall be calculated after taking into consideration the percentage reduction in Average Price to Retailer of other schedule formulations under all such therapeutic categories and the lowest average price to retailer shall be taken for calculating the ceiling price of the scheduled formulation under consideration.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this paragraph, where the price has been fixed and notified by the Government under the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995 the provisions of sub- paragraph (1) shall not apply.
7. Margin to retailer.- While fixing a ceiling price of scheduled formulations and retail prices of new drugs, sixteen percent of price to retailer as a margin to retailer shall be allowed.
8. Maximum retail price.-
(1) The maximum retail price of scheduled formulations shall be fixed by the manufacturers on the basis of ceiling price notified by the Government plus local taxes wherever applicable, as under:
Maximum Retail Price = Ceiling price + Local Taxes as applicable
(2) The maximum retail price of a new drug shall be fixed by the manufacturers on the basis of retail price determined by the Government plus local taxes wherever applicable, as under:
Maximum Retail Price = Retail Price + Local Taxes as applicable
9. Reference data and source of market based data.-
(1) Initially, the source of market based data shall be the data available with the pharmaceuticals market data specializing company - IMS Health (IMS) and if the Government deems necessary, it may validate such data by appropriate survey or evaluation.
(2) The Government may in the due course of time come out with other appropriate mechanism of collecting or obtaining the market based data related to drugs and the decision of Government with respect to collection or obtaining of data shall be final.
(3) The market based data, for fixing the ceiling price of scheduled formulations for the first time after the notification of this order, shall be the data of May, 2012.
(4) The market based data for fixing the retail price of new drugs available in the market, shall be the data available for the month ending immediately before six months of receipt of application for fixing the price of the new drug.
(5) The market based data for fixing the ceiling price of a scheduled formulation due to a revision in the first schedule shall be the data available for the month ending immediately before six month of notification of revision in the first schedule.
(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in this order, the reference date for the formulations which are part of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995 shall be as per the provisions of paragraph 10 of this Order.
10. Pricing of the formulations covered under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995.-
(1) The prices of scheduled formulations, which are also specified in the First Schedule to the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995, fixed and notified under the provisions of the said order, up to 31st May, 2012, shall remain effective for further one year i.e. up to 30th May’ 2013 and the manufacturers may revise the prices of such scheduled formulations as per the annual wholesale price index for the previous calendar year announced by Department of Industrial Promotion and Policy and thereafter the formula as in sub- paragraph (1) of paragraph 4 of this Order shall be applied for fixing the ceiling prices of such formulations.
(2) The prices of scheduled formulations, which are also specified in the First Schedule to the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995, fixed and notified under the provisions of Drugs (Prices Control) Order,1995 after 31st May,2012, shall remain effective for one year from the date of notification of such prices under Drugs (Prices Control) Order,1995 and immediately thereafter the manufacturers may revise the prices as per the annual wholesale price index for the previous calendar year announced by Department of Industrial Promotion and Policy and on the 1st April of succeeding financial year, the formula as in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 4 of this Order shall be applied for fixing the ceiling prices of such schedule formulations.
(3) The prices of scheduled formulations, which are specified in the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995 but not specified in the First Schedule of this order, fixed and notified under the provisions of the said order, up to 31st May,2012, shall remain effective for further one year i.e. up to the 30thMay’2013 and thereafter prices of such formulations shall be regulated as in case of other non-scheduled formulations as stated in paragraph 20 of this Order.
(4) The prices of scheduled formulations, which are specified in the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995 but not specified in the First Schedule of this order, fixed and notified under the provisions of the said order, after 31st May,2012, shall remain effective for one year from the date of notification of such prices and thereafter prices of such formulations shall be regulated as in case of other non-scheduled formulations as stated in paragraph 20 of this Order.
11. Ceiling price or retail price of a pack.-
(1) The average price to retailer calculated as per the provisions in paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 shall be on the dosage basis, (per tablet, per capsule or injection in volume as listed in first schedule) and the ceiling price or retail price of a pack shall be reached by multiplying the same with the number or quantity in the pack as the case may be.
(2) In the event of the unit of the dosage for a scheduled formulation not available in the first schedule, the lowest pack size for that category of medicine, as specified in the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940) and the rules thereunder, shall be taken as unit dosage for calculating the ceiling price or retail price as the case may be, for that scheduled formulation and this shall be applicable while calculating the per unit price of even non-scheduled medicines for arriving at the retail price in case of paragraph 5.
12. Price of formulations (branded or generic version) listed in the National List of Essential Medicines, launched by a manufacturer.-
(1) A manufacturer, launching a scheduled formulation, shall be free to fix the price of the scheduled formulation equal to or below the ceiling price fixed for that schedule formulation by the Government.
(2) Where an existing brand is re-launched by another manufacturer the provisions of paragraph 13 shall be applicable.
13. Price of scheduled formulations for the existing manufacturers.-
(1) All the existing manufactures of scheduled formulations, selling the branded or generic or both the versions of scheduled formulations at a price higher than the ceiling price (plus local taxes as applicable) so fixed and notified by the Government, shall revise the prices of all such formulations downward not exceeding the ceiling price (plus local taxes as applicable):
Provided, that in case of scheduled formulations produced or available in the market before the date of notification of ceiling price, the manufacturers shall ensure within a period of forty-five days of the date of such notification that the maximum retail price of such scheduled formulation does not exceed the ceiling price (plus local taxes as applicable).
(2) All the existing manufactures of scheduled formulations, selling the branded or generic or both the versions of scheduled formulations at a price lower than the ceiling price (plus local taxes as applicable) so fixed and notified by the Government shall maintain their existing maximum retail price.
(3) Annual increase in maximum retail price may be carried out as per the increase in the wholesale price index with respect to previous year as per the provision of sub-paragraphs (2) and (3) of paragraph 16.
Provided that in case of decline in wholesale price index, a corresponding reduction in the prices shall be made as per the provision of sub-paragraph (4) of paragraph 16.
14. Fixation of ceiling price of scheduled formulations.-
(1) The Government shall fix and notify the ceiling prices of the scheduled formulations in accordance with the provisions of the paragraphs 4 and 6, as the case may be, and no manufacturer shall sell the scheduled formulations at a price higher than the ceiling price (plus local taxes as applicable) so fixed and notified by the Government.
(2) Where any manufacturer sells a scheduled formulation at a price higher than the ceiling price (plus local taxes as applicable) fixed and notified by the Government, such manufacturers shall be liable to deposit the overcharged amount along with interest thereon from the date of such overcharging.
15. Fixation of retail price of a new drug for existing manufacturers of scheduled formulations.-
(1) The Government shall form a Standing Committee of such Experts, as it may deem fit, within sixty days of notification of this order with a view to recommend the retail prices of new drugs on the principles of “Pharmacoeconomics”.
(2) Where an existing manufacturer of a drug with dosages and strengths as specified in National List of Essential Medicines launches a new drug, such existing manufacturers shall apply for prior price approval of such new drug from the Government in Form-I specified under Schedule-II of this Order.
(3) On receipt of the application under sub-paragraph (2), in the event of the new drug available in domestic market, the Government shall fix the retail price of the new drug in accordance with the provision of sub-paragraph(1) of paragraph 5 and in the event of the new drug not available in domestic market, the Government shall forward the same to the Standing Committee of Experts who shall examine the application on the principles of “Pharmacoeconomics” and make recommendations of retail price of the new drug to the Government within thirty days of the receipt of application.
(4) The Government shall, on receipt of recommendation under sub-paragraph (3), within thirty days, fix the retail price of such new drug and such price shall be applicable to such applicant of such new drug.
(5) Where existing manufacturer of scheduled formulation fails to apply for prior approval of the price of the new drug in Form-I, such manufacturer shall be liable to deposit the overcharged amount over and above such price fixed and notified by the Government, if any, along with interest thereon from the date of launch of the new drug, in addition to the penalty.
(6) No existing manufacturer of a scheduled formulation shall sell such a new drug at a price higher than the retail price (plus local taxes as applicable) fixed by the Government for such new drug and in case such a manufacturer is found to sell such a new drug at a price higher than the retail price (plus local taxes as applicable) fixed by the Government, such manufacturer of the new drug shall be liable to deposit the overcharged amount along with interest from the date of overcharge, in addition to the penalty.
16. Revision of ceiling price of scheduled formulations.-
(1) The Government shall revise the ceiling prices of scheduled formulations as per the annual wholesale price index (WPI) for preceding calendar year on or before 1st April of every year and notify the same on the 1st day of April every year.
(2) The manufacturers may increase the maximum retail price (MRP) of scheduled formulations once in a year, in the month of April, on the basis of the wholesale price index with respect to previous calendar year and no prior approval of the Government in this regard shall be required.
(3) Information about the revision, if carried out, shall be forwarded to the Government in either electronic or physical form in Form-II within a period of fifteen days of such revision and non-submission of information under this sub-paragraph shall be construed as non revision of maximum retail price (MRP) and the concerned manufacturer shall be liable to deposit the amount charged over and above the pre-revised maximum retail price (MRP), alongwith interest thereon from the date of overcharging.
(4) In case of decline in wholesale price index, there shall be a corresponding reduction in the maximum retail price and in case of scheduled formulations produced or available in the market before the date of notification of revised ceiling price, the manufacturers shall ensure within a period of forty-five days of the date of such notification that the maximum retail price (MRP) of such scheduled formulation does not exceed the revised ceiling price (plus local taxes as applicable) and information about the revision shall be sent to the Government in either electronic or physical form in Form-II within a period of fifteen days of such revision.
(5) Non-submission of information under the sub-paragraph (4) shall be construed as non reduction in maximum retail price (MRP) and the concerned manufacturer shall be liable to deposit the amount charged over and above the maximum retail price revised based on decline in wholesale price index, alongwith interest thereon as overcharged amount from the date of overcharging.
17. Amendment of the list of scheduled formulation.-
(1) A decision to amend the first schedule, clearly stating the reasons thereof, shall be taken by the Government within sixty days of receipt of communication from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the amendment(s) or revision, if required, in the first schedule shall be notified and thereafter, the ceiling price(s) for the medicine(s) added in the first schedule shall be fixed as per the provisions of this order within a period of sixty days from the date of the notification.
(2) The medicines omitted from the first schedule shall fall under the category of non-scheduled formulations.
18. Revision of ceiling price on the basis of moving annual turnover (MAT).-
The revision of ceiling prices on the basis of moving annual turnover value shall be carried out,-
(i) as and when the National List of Essential Medicines is revised by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare or five years from the date of fixing the ceiling price under this Order whichever is earlier;
(ii) when the number of manufacturers of a scheduled formulation, having price of a scheduled formulation more than or equal to seventy five percent of the ceiling price fixed and notified by the Government, has decreased by twenty five percent or more than the number of manufacturers as existing on the reference date;
(iii) when the number of manufacturers of a scheduled formulation, having prices of their scheduled formulation equal to or lower than twenty five percent of the ceiling price fixed by the Government, has increased by twenty five percent or more than the number of manufacturers as existing on the reference date.
Explanation.- For the purpose of items (ii) and (iii) the “reference date” shall be for first revision of ceiling price May, 2012 and for second or subsequent revision the date of previous revision of the ceiling price.
19. Fixation of ceiling price of a drug under certain circumstances.- Notwithstanding anything contained in this order, the Government may, in case of extra-ordinary circumstances, if it considers necessary so to do in public interest, fix the ceiling price or retail price of any Drug for such period, as it may deem fit and where the ceiling price or retail price of the drug is already fixed and notified, the Government may allow an increase or decrease in the ceiling price or the retail price, as the case may be, irrespective of annual wholesale price index for that year.
20. Monitoring the prices of non-scheduled formulations.-
(1) The Government shall monitor the maximum retail prices (MRP) of all the drugs, including the non-scheduled formulations and ensure that no manufacturer increases the maximum retail price of a drug more than ten percent of maximum retail price during preceding twelve months and where the increase is beyond ten percent of maximum retail price, it shall reduce the same to the level of ten percent of maximum retail price for next twelve months.
(2) The manufacturer shall be liable to deposit the overcharged amount along with interest thereon from the date of increase in price in addition to the penalty.
21. Monitoring the availability of scheduled formulations.-
(1) The Government shall monitor the production and availability of scheduled formulations and the active pharmaceutical ingredients contained in the scheduled formulation and the manufacturer of scheduled formulations and the active pharmaceutical ingredients contained in the scheduled formulation shall furnish the information as stated in Form-III of schedule-II of this Order quarterly.
(2) Any manufacturer of scheduled formulation, intending to discontinue any scheduled formulation from the market shall issue a public notice and also intimate the Government in Form-IV of schedule-II of this order in this regard at least six month prior to the intended date of discontinuation and the Government may, in public interest, direct the manufacturer of the scheduled formulation to continue with required level of production or import for a period not exceeding one year, from the intended date of such discontinuation within a period of sixty days of receipt of such intimation.
22. Recovery of dues accrued under the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1979 and to deposit the same into the Drugs Prices Equalisation Account.-
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this order, the Government may by notice, require a manufacturer, importer or distributor as the case may be, to deposit the amount which has accrued under the provisions of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1979 on or before the commencement of this order, into the Drugs Prices Equalisation Account and the manufacturer, importer or distributor, as the case may be, shall deposit the said amount into the said account within such time as the Government may specify in the said notice.
(2) The existing amount, if any, in the Drugs Prices Equalisation Account on or before the date of commencement of this Order, and the amount deposited under sub-paragraph (1) shall be utilised for;-
(a) paying to the manufacturer, importer or distributor, as the case may be, the shortfall between his retention price and the common selling price or, as the case may be, the pooled price for the purpose of increasing the production, or securing the equitable distribution and availability at fair prices, of drugs;
(b) meeting the expenses incurred by the Government in discharging the functions under this paragraph; and
(c) promoting higher education and research in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology and for the purposes incidental thereto.
23. Recovery of overcharged amount under Drugs Prices Control Orders 1987 and 1995.- Notwithstanding anything contained in this order, the Government shall by notice, require the manufacturers, importer or distributor or as the case may be, to deposit the amount accrued due to charging of prices higher than those fixed or notified by the Government under the provisions of Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1987 and Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995 under the provisions of this Order.
24. Carrying into effect the price fixed or revised by the Government, its display and proof thereof.-
(1) For all the scheduled formulations having maximum retail price (MRP) higher than ceiling price (plus local taxes as applicable), the manufactures shall revise the maximum retail price (MRP) not exceeding the ceiling price (plus local taxes as applicable):
Provided that in case of scheduled formulations produced or available in the market before the date of notification of ceiling price, the manufacturers shall ensure within a period of forty-five days of the date of the notification that the maximum retail price of such scheduled formulation does not exceed the ceiling price (plus local taxes as applicable).
(2) Every manufacturer of a schedule formulation intended for sale shall display in indelible print mark, on the label of container of the formulation and the minimum pack thereof offered for retail sale, the maximum retail price of that formulation based on the ceiling price notified in the Official Gazette or ordered by the Government in this behalf with the words "Maximum Retail Price" preceding it and the words 'inclusive of all taxes' succeeding it.
(3) Every manufacturer shall issue a price list and supplementary price list, if required, in Form V to the dealers, State Drugs Controllers and the Government indicating reference to such price fixation or revision as covered by the order or Gazette notification issued by the Government, from time to time.
(4) Every retailer and dealer shall display the price list and the supplementary price list, if any, as furnished by the manufacturer, on a conspicuous part of the premises where he carries on business in a manner so as to be easily accessible to any person wishing to consult the same.
25. Display of prices of non-scheduled formulations and price list thereof.-
(1) Every manufacturer of a non-Scheduled formulation intended for sale shall display in indelible print mark, on the label of container of the formulation and the minimum pack thereof offered for retail sale, the maximum retail price of that formulation with the words "Maximum Retail Price" preceding it and the words 'inclusive of all taxes' succeeding it.
(2) Every manufacturer shall issue a price list and supplementary price list, if required, of the non-Scheduled formulations in Form-V to the dealers, State Drugs Controllers and the Government indicating changes, from time to time.
(3) Every retailer and dealer shall display the price list and the supplementary price list, if any, as furnished by the manufacturer or importer, on a conspicuous part of the premises where he carries on business in a manner so as to be easily accessible to any person wishing to consult the same.
26. Control of sale prices of formulations.- No person shall sell any formulation to any consumer at a price exceeding the price specified in the current price list or price indicated on the label of the container or pack thereof, whichever is less.
27. Sale of split quantities of formulations.- No dealer shall sell loose quantity of any formulation at a price which exceeds the pro-rata price of the formulation.
28. Manufacturer, distributor or dealer not to refuse sale of drug.- Subject to the provisions of the Drug and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940) and the rules made thereunder, -
(a) no manufacturer or distributor shall withhold from sale or refuse to sell to a dealer any drug without good and sufficient reasons;
(b) no dealer shall withhold from sale or refuse to sell any drug available with him to a customer intending to purchase such drug.
29. Maintenance of records and production thereof for inspection.- Every manufacturer shall maintain records relating to the sales of individual active pharmaceutical ingredients or bulk drugs manufactured or imported and marketed by him, as the case may be, and the sales of formulations units and packs and also such other records as may be directed from time to time by the Government and the Government shall have the power to call for any record and to inspect such records at the premises of the manufacturer.
30. Power of entry, search and seizure.-
(1) Any Gazetted Officer of the Central Government or of a State Government, as the case may be, authorised by a general or special order by the Central Government or by the State Government, as the case may be, in this behalf may, with a view to securing compliance with this Order or to satisfy himself that the provision of this Order have been complied with-
(a) enter and search any place;
(b) seize any drug, alongwith the containers, packages or coverings in which the drug is found, in respect of which he suspects that any provision of this Order has been, is being, or is about to be contravened, and thereafter take all measures necessary for securing production of the drug, containers, packages or coverings, so seized, in a court of law and for their safe custody pending such production;
(c) seize any document, such as, cash memo or credit memo books, books of account and records of purchase and sale of the drugs in respect of which he suspects that any provision of this Order has been, is being, or is about to be contravened.
(2) The provisions of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), relating to search and seizure shall, so far as may be, apply to searches and seizures under this Order.
31. Power to review.- Any person aggrieved by any notification issued or order made under paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 of this Order, may apply to the Government for a review of the notification or order within a period of thirty days of the date of publication of the notification in the Official Gazette or the receipt of the order by him, as the case may be, and the Government may make such order on the application as it may deem proper:
Provided that pending a decision by the Government on the application submitted under the above paragraph, no manufacturer shall sell a scheduled formulation or a new drug, as the case may be, at a price exceeding the ceiling price or retail price, as the case may be, fixed by the Government of which a review has been applied for.
32. Non-application of the provisions of this order in certain cases.-
The provisions of this order shall not apply to,-
(i) a manufacturer producing a new drug patented under the Indian Patent Act, 1970 (39 of 1970) (product patent) and not produced elsewhere, if developed through indigenous Research and Development, for a period of five years from the date of commencement of its commercial production in the country.
(ii) a manufacturer producing a new drug in the country by a new process developed through indigenous Research and Development and patented under the Indian Patent Act, 1970 (39 of 1970) (process patent) for a period of five years from the date of the commencement of its commercial production in the country.
(iii) a manufacturer producing a new drug involving a new delivery system developed through indigenous Research and Development for a period of five years from the date of its market approval in India:
Provided that the provision of this paragraph shall apply only when a document showing approval of such new drugs from Drugs Controller General (India) is produced before the Government.
Explanation.- Notwithstanding anything contained in this Order, for the purpose of this paragraph “new drug” shall have the same meaning as is assigned to under rule 122E of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945;
File No.31011/17/2012-PI-II
Shambhu Kallolikar)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
(See Paragraphs-2(t),2(zb))Symbols P, S and T appearing in NLEM 2011 denote essentiality at Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels respectively.
Section: 1 – Anesthesia |
1.1 General Anesthetics and Oxygen |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration |
Strengths |
Ether |
S, T |
Inhalation |
-- |
Halothane with vaporizer |
S, T |
Inhalation |
Isoflurane |
S, T |
Inhalation |
Ketamine Hydrochloride |
P, S, T |
Injection |
10 mg / ml, 50 mg / ml |
Nitrous Oxide |
P, S, T |
Inhalation |
Oxygen |
P, S, T |
Inhalation |
Thiopentone Sodium |
S, T |
Injection |
0.5 g, 1 g powder |
Added Medicines |
Sevoflurane |
T |
Inhalation |
Propofol |
P,S,T |
Injection |
1% oil suspension |
1.2 Local Anesthetics |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Bupivacaine Hydrochloride |
S, T |
Injection |
0.25%, 0.5%, 0.5% to be mixed with 7.5% glucose solution |
Lignocaine Hydrochloride |
P, S, T |
Topical Forms, Injection, Spinal |
2-5%, 1-2%, 5% +7.5% Glucose |
Lignocaine Hydrochloride + Adrenaline |
P, S, T |
Injection |
1%, 2% + Adrenaline1:200,0 00 |
Added Medicines |
EMLA cream |
T |
Cream |
1.3 Preoperative Medication and Sedation for Short Term Procedures |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Atropine Sulphate |
P, S, T |
Injection |
0.6 mg / ml |
Diazepam |
P,S,T S, T |
Tablets Injection, Syrup, Suppository |
5 mg 5 mg / ml 2mg/5ml 5 mg |
Midazolam |
P, S, T |
Injection |
1 mg / ml 5 mg / ml |
Morphine Sulphate |
S, T |
Injection |
10 mg / ml |
Promethazine |
P, S, T |
Syrup |
5 mg / 5 ml |
Section: 2 - Analgesics , Antipyretics, Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Medicines, Medicines used to treat Gout and Disease Modifying Agents used in Rheumatoid Disorders |
2.1: Non-Opioid Analgesics, Antipyretics and Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Acetyl Salicylic Acid |
P, S, T |
Tablets |
325, 350 mg |
Diclofenac |
T |
Tablets |
50 mg |
T |
Injection |
25 mg / ml |
Ibuprofen |
P, S, T |
Tablets Syrup |
200 mg, 400 mg 100mg/5ml |
Paracetamol |
P, S, T |
Injection |
150 mg / ml |
P, S, T |
Syrup |
125 mg / 5ml |
P, S, T |
Tablets |
500 mg |
P, S, T |
Suppository |
80 mg, 170 mg |
2.2 Opioid Analgesics |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Morphine Sulphate |
S, T |
Injection |
10 mg / ml |
Tablets |
10 mg |
Added medicines |
Tramadol |
S,T |
Injection Cap |
50 mg/ml 50 mg,100 mg |
Fentanyl |
S,T |
Injection |
50ug/ml 2ml ampoule |
2.3 Medicines used to treat Gout |
Allopurinol |
S, T |
Tablets |
100 mg |
Colchicine |
S, T |
Tablets |
0.5 mg |
2.4 Disease modifying agents used in Rheumatoid disorders |
Azathioprine |
S, T |
Tablets |
50 mg |
Methotrexate |
S,T |
Tablets |
5mg, 7.5mg, 10mg |
Sulfasalazine |
S, T |
Tablets |
500 mg |
Added medicines |
Hydroxychloroquine phosphate |
S,T |
Tablets |
200 mg |
Leflunomide |
S,T |
Tablets |
10mg, 20 mg tab |
Section: 3 – Antiallergics and Medicines used in Anaphylaxis |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Adrenaline Bitartrate |
P, S, T |
Injection |
1 mg / ml |
Maleate |
P, S, T |
Tablets |
4 mg |
Maleate |
P, S, T |
Syrup |
0.5 mg / 5 ml |
Dexamethasone |
P, S, T |
Tablets |
0.5 mg |
Injection |
4 mg / ml |
Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate |
P, S, T |
Injection |
100 mg |
Pheniramine Maleate |
P, S, T |
Injection |
22.75 mg / ml |
Prednisolone |
P, S, T |
Tablets |
5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg |
Promethazine |
P, S, T |
Tablets |
10 mg, 25 mg |
Syrup |
5 mg / 5 ml |
Added Medicines |
Cetrizine |
P,S,T |
Tablets Syrup |
10mg 5 mg/ml |
Section: 4 - Antidotes and Other Substances used in Poisonings |
4.1: Nonspecific |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Activated Charcoal |
P,S,T |
Oral |
4.2: Specific |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Atropine Sulphate |
P,S,T |
Injection |
1 mg/ml |
Specific Antisnake venom |
P,S,T |
Injection Polyvalent Solution/ Lyophilyzed Polyvalent Serum |
Calcium gluconate |
P,S,T |
Injection |
100mg/ml |
Desferrioxamine mesylate |
S, T |
Injection |
500mg |
Methylthioninium chloride (Methylene blue) |
S, T |
Injection |
10 mg / ml |
Penicillamine |
S, T |
Tablets or Capsules |
250 mg |
Dimercaprol |
S, T |
Injection in oil |
50 mg / ml |
Flumazenil |
T |
Injection |
0.1 mg / ml |
Sodium Nitrite |
S, T |
Injection |
30 mg / ml |
Sodium Thiosulphate |
S, T |
Injection |
250 mg/ ml |
Naloxone |
P,S,T |
Injection |
0.4mg/ml |
Pralidoxime Chloride(2- PAM) |
P,S,T |
Injection |
25 mg/ml |
Added medicines: |
N-acetylcysteine |
P,S,T |
Injection |
200 mg/ml(5 ml) |
Section: 5 – Anticonvulsants/ Antiepileptics |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Carbamazepine |
P, S, T |
Tablets Syrup |
100mg 200mg 100 mg/5ml |
Diazepam |
P,S,T |
Injection |
5 mg / ml |
Magnesium sulphate |
S,T |
Injection |
500 mg /ml |
Phenobarbitone |
P,S,T ST P,S,T |
Tablets Injection Syrup |
30 mg, 60 mg 200 mg/ml 20 mg/5ml |
Phenytoin Sodium |
P,S,T |
Capsules or TabletsSyrup
Injection |
50 mg, 100mg 25mg/ml 50 mg/ml |
Sodium Valproate |
P,S,T |
Tablets Syrup |
200 mg, 500mg 200 mg/5ml |
T |
Injection |
100 mg/ml |
Added Medicines |
Lorazepam |
T |
Injection |
2mg/ml |
Section: 6 – Anti-infective Medicines |
6.1 Anthelminthics |
6.1.1 Intestinal Anthelminthics |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Albendazole |
P,S,T |
TabletsSuspension |
400 mg 200 mg/ 5 ml |
Added Medicines |
Piperazine |
P,S,T |
Tablets Solution |
4.5 gm 750mg/5ml |
6.1.2 Antifilarials |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Diethylcarbamazine citrate |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
50 mg |
6.1.3 Antischistosomals and Antitrematode Medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Praziquantel |
S, T |
Tablets |
600 mg |
6.2 Antibacterials |
6.2.1 Beta lactam medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Amoxicillin |
S,T |
Powder for suspension Capsules |
125 mg / 5 ml 250 mg, 500 mg |
Ampicillin |
P,S,T |
Capsules Powder for suspension Injection |
250 mg, 500 mg 125 mg / 5 ml 500 mg |
Benzathine Benzylpenicillin |
P,S,T |
Injection |
6 lacs, 12 lacs units |
Cefotaxime |
S, T |
Injection |
125 mg, 250 mg 500 mg |
Ceftazidime |
S, T |
Injection |
250mg, 1g |
Ceftriaxone |
S, T |
Injection |
250 mg, 1 g |
Cephalexin |
P,S,T |
Syrup Capsules |
125 mg / 5 ml 250 mg, 500 mg |
Cloxacillin |
P,S,T |
Capsules Injection Liquid |
250 mg, 500 mg 250 mg 125mg/ 5 ml |
Added Medicines |
Amoxicillin+Clavulinic acid |
T |
Tablets Powder for suspension Injection |
625 mg 228.5mg/5ml 600mg, 1.2gm |
Cefixime |
T |
Tablet |
100, 200mg |
6.2.2 Other antibacterials |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Amikacin |
S, T |
Injection |
250 mg / 2 ml |
Azithromycin |
S,T |
Tablets Suspension Injection |
100, 250,500mg 100mg/5ml 500mg |
Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride |
P,S,T |
Injection Tablets |
200 mg /100 ml 250 mg, 500 mg |
Co-Trimoxazole (Trimethoprim + Sulphamethoxazole) |
P,S,T |
Tablets Suspension |
80 + 400 mg 160+800 mg 40 + 200 mg / 5 ml |
Doxycycline |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
100 mg |
Erythromycin Estolate |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
125 mg / 5 ml 250 mg, 500 mg |
Gentamicin |
P,S,T |
Injection |
10 mg/ml, 40 mg/ml |
Metronidazole |
P,S,T |
Tablet Injection Syrup |
200mg,400 mg 500mg/100 ml 100mg/5ml |
Nitrofurantoin |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
100 mg |
Sulphadiazine |
S, T |
Tablets |
500 mg |
Vancomycin Hydrochloride |
T |
Injection |
500 mg, 1 g |
6.2.3 Antileprosy medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Clofazimine |
P,S, T |
Capsules |
50 mg, 100 mg |
Dapsone |
P,S, T |
Tablets |
50 mg, 100mg |
Rifampicin |
P,S, T |
Capsules or Tablets |
150 mg, 300 mg |
6.2.4 Antituberculosis medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Ethambutol |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
200 mg, 400 mg, 600 mg, 800 mg |
Isoniazid |
P,S,T |
Tablets Syrup |
50 mg, 100 mg, 300 mg 100 mg/5ml |
Ofloxacin |
S, T |
Tablets |
100 mg, 200 mg |
Syrup |
50 mg / 5 ml |
Pyrazinamide |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
500 mg, 750 mg, 1000 mg, 1500 mg |
Rifampicin |
P,S,T |
Capsules/Tablets Syrup |
50 mg, 150 mg, 300 mg,450 mg 100 mg / 5 ml |
Streptomycin Sulphate |
P,S,T |
Injection |
0.75 g, 1 g |
6.3 Antifungal medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Amphotericin B |
S, T |
Injection |
50 mg |
Clotrimazole |
P,S,T |
Pessaries Gel |
100 mg, 200 mg, 2% |
Fluconazole |
S, T |
Capsules or Tablets |
50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg |
Griseofulvin |
P,S,T |
Capsules or Tablets |
125 mg, 250 mg |
Nystatin |
P,S,T |
Tablets Pessaries |
500,000 IU 100,000 IU |
6.4 Antiviral medicines |
6.4.1 Antiherpes medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Acyclovir |
S, T |
Tablets Injection Suspension |
200 mg, 400 mg 250 mg, 500 mg 400 mg / 5 ml |
6.4.2 Antiretroviral medicines | Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Didanosine |
S, T |
Tablets |
250 mg, 400 mg |
Lamivudine |
S, T |
Tablets |
150 mg |
Lamivudine + Nevirapine + Stavudine |
S, T |
Tablets |
150 mg + 200 mg+ 30 mg |
Lamivudine + Zidovudine |
S, T |
Tablets |
150 mg + 300 mg |
Stavudine |
S, T |
Capsules |
15 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg |
Zidovudine |
S, T |
Tablets |
100 mg, 300 mg |
Stavudine+ Lamivudine |
S,T |
Tablets |
30mg+ 150mg |
Zidovudine+ Lamivudine+ Nevirapine |
S,T |
Tablets |
300mg+ 150mg+ 200mg | Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Efavirenz |
S, T |
Capsules |
200 mg, 600 mg |
Nevirapine |
S, T |
Capsules Suspension |
200 mg 50 mg / 5 ml | Protease inhibitors |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Indinavir |
S, T |
Capsules |
200 mg, 400 mg |
Nelfinavir |
S, T |
Capsules |
250 mg |
Ritonavir |
S, T |
CapsulesSyrup |
100 mg, 400 mg / 5ml |
Saquinavir |
S, T |
Capsules |
200 mg |
6.5 Antiprotozoal Medicines |
6.5.1 Antiamoebic and Antigiardiasis medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Diloxanide Furoate |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
500 mg |
Metronidazole |
P,S,T |
Tablets Injection |
200 mg, 400 mg 500 mg /100 ml |
6.5.2 Antileishmaniasis medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Amphotericin B |
S, T |
Injection |
50 mg |
Pentamidine Isothionate |
S, T |
Injection |
200 mg |
Sodium Stibogluconate |
S, T |
Injection |
100 mg / ml |
6.5.3 Antimalarial Medicines | For curative treatment |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Artesunate (To be used only in combination with Sulfadoxine +Pyrimethamine) |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
50 mg |
Chloroquine phosphate |
P,S,T |
Tablets Injection Syrup |
150 mg base40 mg / ml 50 mg / 5 ml |
Primaquine |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
2.5 mg, 7.5 mg |
Pyrimethamine |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
25 mg |
Quinine sulphate |
P,S,T ST |
Tablets Injection |
300 mg 300 mg / ml |
Sulfadoxine + Pyrimethamine |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
500 mg + 25 mg |
Medicines added |
Clindamycin |
S,T |
Tablet |
150, 300mg | For prophylaxis |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Medicines added |
Mefloquine |
S,T |
Tablet |
250 mg base |
6.5.4 Antipneumocystosis and Antitoxoplasmosis medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Co-Trimoxazole (Trimethoprim + Sulphamethoxazole) |
P,S,T |
Tablets Suspension |
80 + 400 mg 160+800 mg 40 + 200 mg / 5 ml |
Pentamidine Isothionate |
S, T |
Injection |
200 mg |
Section: 7 –Antimigraine medicines |
7.1: For treatment of acute attack |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Acetyl Salicylic Acid |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
300 - 350 mg |
Dihydroergotamine |
S, T |
Tablets |
1 mg |
Paracetamol |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
500 mg |
7.2: For Prophylaxis |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Propranolol hydrochloride |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
10 mg, 40 mg |
Section: 8 – Antineoplastic, immunosuppressives and medicines used in palliative care |
8.1: Immunosuppressive medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Azathioprine |
T |
Tablets |
50 mg |
Cyclosporine |
T |
Capsules |
10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg |
Concentrate for Injection |
100 mg/ml |
8.2: Cytotoxic medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Actinomycin D |
T |
Injection |
0.5 mg |
Alpha Interferon |
T |
Injection |
3 million IU |
Bleomycin |
T |
Injection |
15 mg |
Busulphan |
T |
Tablets |
2 mg |
Cisplatin |
T |
Injection |
10 mg / vial 50 mg / vial |
Cyclophosphamide |
T |
Tablets Injection |
50 mg, 200 mg 500 mg |
Cytosine arabinoside |
T |
Injection |
100 mg/vial 500 mg/vial 1000 mg/vial |
Danazol |
T |
Capsules |
50 mg, 100 mg |
Doxorubicin |
T |
Injection |
10 mg, 50 mg |
Etoposide |
T |
Capsules Injection |
100 mg 100 mg/ 5 ml vial |
Flutamide |
T |
Tablet |
250 mg |
5-Fluorouracil |
T |
Injection |
250 mg / 5 ml |
Folinic Acid |
T |
Injection |
3 mg / ml |
Gemcitabine hydrochloride |
T |
Injection |
200 mg 1 gm |
L- Asparaginase |
T |
Injection |
5000 KU. |
Melphalan |
T |
Tablet |
2 mg, 5 mg |
Mercaptopurine |
T |
Tablet Injection |
50 mg 100 mg / ml |
Methotrexate |
T |
Tablet Injection |
2.5 mg 50 mg / ml |
Mitomycin-C |
T |
Injection |
10 mg |
Paclitaxel |
T |
Injection |
30 mg / 5 ml |
Procarbazine |
T |
Capsules |
50 mg |
Vinblastine sulphate |
T |
Injection |
10 mg |
Vincristine |
T |
Injection |
1 mg / ml |
Added medicines |
Carboplatin |
T |
Injection |
150 mg, 450 mg vial |
Dacarbazine |
T |
Injection |
500 mg |
Daunorubicin |
T |
Injection |
20 mg vial |
Ifosfamide |
T |
Injection |
1 gm/2ml vial |
Mesna |
T |
Injection |
200 mg |
Oxaliplatin |
T |
Injection |
50 mg vial |
Imatinib |
T |
Tablets |
100 mg, 400 mg |
Chlorambucil |
T |
Tablets |
2 mg |
8.3: Hormones and antihormones |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Prednisolone |
S, T |
Tablets |
5 mg |
Injection |
20 mg, 25 mg (as sodium phosphate or succinate) |
Raloxifene |
T |
Tablets |
60 mg |
Tamoxifen Citrate |
T |
Tablets |
10 mg, 20 mg |
8.4: Medicines used in palliative care |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Morphine Sulphate |
T |
Tablets |
10 mg |
Ondansetron |
S, T |
Tablets |
4 mg, 8 mg |
Injection |
2 mg/ml |
Syrup |
2 mg/5 ml |
Added Medicines |
Filgrastim |
T |
Injection |
1 ml vial |
Allopurinol |
T |
Tablets |
100 mg |
Section: 9 –Antiparkinsonism medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Bromocriptine Mesylate |
S, T |
Tablets |
1.25 mg, 2.5 mg |
Levodopa+ Carbidopa |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
100 mg+10 mg 250 mg+25 mg 100 mg+25 mg |
Trihexyphenidyl Hydrochloride |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
2 mg |
Section: 10 –Medicines affecting the blood |
10.1: Antianaemia medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Cyanocobalamin |
P, S,T |
Injection |
1 mg/ml |
Ferrous Sulphate/ Fumrate |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
Tablets equivalent to 60 mg elemental iron |
Oral solution |
25mg elemental iron (as sulphate)/ml |
Folic Acid |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
1 mg , 5mg |
Iron Dextran |
S, T |
Injection |
50 mg iron/ml |
Pyridoxine |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
10 mg |
10.2: Medicines affecting coagulation |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Heparin Sodium |
S, T |
Injection |
1000 IU/ml 5000 IU/ ml |
Protamine Sulphate |
S, T |
Injection |
10 mg/ml |
Phytomenadione |
P, S, T |
Injection |
10 mg/ml |
Warfarin sodium |
S, T |
Tablets |
5 mg |
Added Medicines |
Enoxaparin |
T |
Injection |
40mg, 60mg |
Section: 11 –Blood products and Plasma substitutes |
11.1: Plasma Substitutes |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Dextran-40 |
P,S,T |
Injection |
10% |
Dextran-70 |
P,S,T |
Injection |
6% |
Fresh frozen plasma |
T |
Injection |
Hydroxyethyl Starch (Hetastarch) |
S, T |
Injection |
6% |
Polygeline |
S, T |
Injection |
3.5% |
11.2: Plasma fractions for specific use |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Albumin |
S, T |
Injection |
5%, 20 % |
Cryoprecipitate |
S, T |
Injection |
Factor VIII Concentrate |
S, T |
Injection |
Dried |
Factor IX Complex (Coagulation Factors II,VII, IX, X) |
S, T |
Injection |
Dried |
Platelet Rich Plasma |
S, T |
Injection |
Section: 12 –Cardiovascular medicines |
12.1: Antianginal medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Acetyl salicylic acid |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
75mg, 100mg, 350 mg soluble/dispersible |
Diltiazem |
S, T |
Tablets |
30 mg, 60 mg |
Glyceryl Trinitrate |
P,S,T |
Sublingual Tablets Injection |
0.5 mg 5mg/ml |
Isosorbide 5 Mononitrate/ Dinitrate |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
10 mg, 20 mg |
Metoprolol |
P,S,T |
Tablets Injection |
25 mg, 50 mg 1mg/ml |
Added Medicines |
Clopidogrel |
T |
Tablets |
75 mg |
12.2: Antiarrhythmic medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Adenosine |
S,T |
Injection |
3 mg/ml |
Amiodarone |
S, T |
Tablets Injection |
100 mg, 200 mg 50 mg/ml (3 ml ampoule) |
Diltiazem |
S, T |
Tablets |
30 mg, 60 mg |
T |
Injection |
5 mg/ ml |
Esmolol |
T |
Injection |
10 mg / ml |
Lignocaine Hydrochloride |
S, T |
Injection |
1%, 2% |
Procainamide Hydrochloride |
T |
Tablets Injection |
250 mg 100mg/ml |
Verapamil |
S, T |
Tablets Injection |
40 mg, 80 mg 2.5mg/ml |
12.3: Antihypertensive medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Amlodipine |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
2.5 mg, 5 mg |
Atenolol |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
50 mg, 100 mg |
Enalapril Maleate |
P,S,T T |
Tablets Injection |
2.5 mg, 5mg 1.25mg/ml |
Losartan Potassium |
S, T |
Tablets |
25 mg, 50 mg |
Methyldopa |
P,S, T |
Tablets |
250 mg |
Nifedipine |
S, T |
Capsules Tablets Sustained release tablets or capsules |
5 mg, 10mg 10mg, 20mg 10mg, 20mg |
Sodium Nitroprusside |
T |
Injection |
50 mg/ 5 ml |
Added Medicines |
Hydrochlorthiazide |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
12.5, 25 mg |
12.4: Medicines used in heart failure |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Digoxin |
S, T |
Tablets Injection Elixir |
0.25 mg 0.25 mg/ml 0.05 mg/ml |
Dobutamine |
S, T |
Injection |
50 mg / ml |
Dopamine Hydrochloride |
S,T |
Injection |
40 mg / ml |
12.5: Antithrombotic medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Acetyl salicylic acid |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
75mg, 100mg, 350 mg soluble/dispersible |
Heparin Sodium |
S, T |
Injection |
1000 IU /ml 5000 IU/ml |
Streptokinase |
S, T |
Injection |
750,000 IU 15,00,000 IU |
Urokinase |
T |
Injection |
500,000 IU/ml 10,00,000 IU/ml |
New Category - ADDED |
12.6 Hypolipidemic Medicines |
Atorvastatin |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
5 mg, 10 mg |
Section: 13 –Dermatological medicines (Topical) |
13.1: Antifungal medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Miconazole |
P,S,T |
Ointment or Cream |
2% |
13.2: Antiinfective medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Acyclovir |
S, T |
Cream |
5% |
Framycetin Sulphate |
P,S,T |
Cream |
0.5% |
Methylrosaniliniu m Chloride (Gentian Violet) |
P,S,T |
Aqueous solution |
0.5% |
Neomycin + Bacitracin |
P,S,T |
Ointment |
5 mg + 500 IU / g |
Povidone Iodine |
P,S,T |
Solution or Ointment |
5% |
Silver Sulphadiazine |
P,S,T |
Cream |
1% |
13.3: Antiinflammatory and antipruritic medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Betamethasone Dipropionate |
P,S,T |
Cream / Ointment |
0.05% |
Calamine |
P,S,T |
Lotion |
13.4: Astringent Medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Zinc Oxide |
P,S,T |
Dusting Powder |
13.5: Medicines affecting skin differentiation and proliferation
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Coal Tar |
P,S,T |
Solution |
5% |
Dithranol |
T |
Ointment |
0.1-2% |
Glycerin |
P,S,T |
Solution |
Salicylic Acid |
P,S,T |
Solution |
5% |
13.6: Scabicides and Pediculicides |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Benzyl benzoate |
P,S,T |
Lotion |
25 % |
Added Medicines |
Permethrin |
S,T |
Cream Lotion |
5% 1%, 5% |
Section: 14 –Diagnostic agents |
14.1: Ophthalmic medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Fluorescein |
S, T |
Eye drops |
1% |
Lignocaine |
S, T |
Eye Drops |
4% |
Tropicamide |
S, T |
Eye drops |
1% |
14.2: Radiocontrast media |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Barium Sulphate |
S, T |
Suspension |
100% w/v, 250% w/v |
Calcium Ipodate |
S, T |
Injection |
3 g |
Iopanoic Acid |
S, T |
Tablets |
500 mg |
Meglumine Iothalamate |
S, T |
Injection |
60% w/v (iodine =280 mg / ml) |
Meglumine Iotroxate |
S, T |
Solution |
5-8 g iodine in 100-250 ml |
Propyliodone |
S, T |
Oily, suspension |
500-600 mg / ml |
Sodium Iothalamate |
S, T |
Injection |
70% w/v(Iodine =420 mg / ml) |
Sodium Meglumine Diatrizoate |
S, T |
Injection |
60% w/v(Iodine conc. =292 mg / ml), 76% w/v(Iodine conc. =370 mg / ml) |
Section: 15 –Disinfectants and antiseptics |
15.1: Antiseptics |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Acriflavin+Glycerin |
P, S, T |
Solution |
Benzoin Compound |
P, S, T |
Tincture |
Cetrimide |
P, S, T |
Solution |
20% (conc. for dilution) |
Chlorhexidine |
P, S, T |
Solution |
5% (conc. for dilution) |
Ethyl Alcohol 70% |
P, S, T |
Solution |
Gentian Violet |
P, S, T |
Paint |
0.5%, 1% |
Hydrogen Peroxide |
P, S, T |
Solution |
6% |
Povidone Iodine |
P, S, T |
Solution |
5%, 10% |
15.2: Disinfectants |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Bleaching Powder |
P, S, T |
Powder |
Contains not less than 30 % w/w of available chlorine (as per I.P) |
Formaldehyde Solution |
P, S, T |
Solution |
Dilute 34 ml of formaldehyde solution with water to produce 100 ml (As per I.P) |
Glutaraldehyde |
S,T |
Solution |
2% |
Potassium Permanganate |
P, S, T |
Crystals for solution |
Section: 16 –Diuretics |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Furosemide |
P,S,T |
Injection Tablets |
10 mg/ ml 40mg |
Hydrochlorothiazid e |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
25 mg, 50 mg |
Mannitol |
P,S,T |
Injection |
10%, 20% |
Spironolactone |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
25 mg |
Section: 17 – Gastrointestinal medicines |
17.1: Antacids and other Antiulcer medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Aluminium Hydroxide + Magnesium Hydroxide |
P,S,T |
Tablet Suspension |
Omeprazole |
P,S,T |
Capsules |
10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg |
Ranitidine |
P,S,T |
Injection |
25 mg / ml |
Added Medicines |
Pantoprazole |
T |
Injection |
40 mg |
Famotidine |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
20 mg |
17.2: Antiemetics |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Domperidone |
P,S,T |
Tablets Syrup |
10 mg 1 mg / ml |
Metoclopramide |
P,S,T |
Tablets Syrup Injection |
10 mg 5 mg / 5 ml 5 mg / ml |
Promethazine |
P,S,T |
Tablets Elixir or Syrup Injection |
10 mg, 25 mg 5 mg / 5 ml 25 mg / ml |
Added Medicines |
Ondansetron |
S,T |
Tablet Syrup Injection |
4mg, 8 mg 2 mg/ml 2mg/ml |
17.3: Antiinflammatory Medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Added Medicines |
5-Amino salicylic Acid (5-ASA) |
S,T |
Tablets |
400mg |
17.4: Antispasmodic medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Dicyclomine Hydrochloride |
P,S,T |
Tablets Injection |
10 mg 10 mg / ml |
Hyoscine Butyl Bromide |
P,S,T |
Tablets Injection |
10 mg 20 mg / ml |
17.5: Laxatives |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Bisacodyl |
P,S,T |
Tablets, Suppository |
5 mg |
Ispaghula |
P,S,T |
Granules |
17.6: Medicines used in diarrhorea |
17.6.1 Oral dehydration salts |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Oral Rehydration Salts |
P,S,T |
Powder for solution |
Glucose: 13.5 g/L Sodium chloride: 2.6 g/L Potassium chloride: 1.5 g/L Trisodium citrate dihydrate+: 2.9 g/L Powder for dilution in 200ml; 500 ml; 1000ml. (As per I.P) |
17.6.2 Antidiarrhoeal medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Medicines added |
Zinc Sulfate |
P,S,T |
Syrup |
20 mg/5ml |
Section: 18 –Hormones, other endocrine medicines and contraceptives |
18.1: Adrenal hormones and synthetic substitutes |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Dexamethasone |
S,T |
Tablets Injection |
0.5mg 4mg/ml |
Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate |
P, S,T |
Injection |
100 mg / ml |
Methyl Prednisolone |
S,T |
Injection |
40 mg/ ml |
Prednisolone |
P, S,T |
Tablets |
5mg, 10mg, 20mg |
18.2: Androgens |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Testosterone |
P,S,T |
Capsules Injection |
40mg(as undecanoate) 25mg/ml(as propionate) |
18.3: Contraceptives |
18.3.1: Hormonal Contraceptives |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Ethinylestradiol + Levonorgesterol |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
0.03 mg +0.15 mg |
Ethinylestradiol + Norethisterone |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
0.035 mg +1.0 mg |
Hormone Releasing IUD |
T |
Levonorgesterol Releasing |
18.3.2: Intrauterine devices |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
IUD containing Copper |
P,S,T |
18.3.3: Barrier Methods |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Condoms |
P,S,T |
18.4: Estrogens |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Ethinylestradiol |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
0.01mg 0.05mg |
18.5: Medicines used in Diabetes mellitus
18.5.1: Insulins and other Antidiabetic agents |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Glibenclamide |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
2.5 mg, 5mg |
Insulin Injection (Soluble) |
P,S,T |
Injection |
40 IU / ml |
Intermediate Acting(Lente/NPH Insulin) |
P,S,T |
Injection |
40 IU / ml |
Metformin |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
500mg |
Added medicines |
Premix Insulin 30:70 injection |
P,S,T |
Injection |
40IU/ml |
18.5.2 Medicines used to treat hypoglycemia |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Glucagon |
T |
Injection |
1mg/ml |
Added medicines |
25% Dextrose |
P,S,T |
Injection |
100 ml |
18.6 Ovulation Inducers |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Clomiphene citrate |
T |
Tablets |
50mg, 100mg |
18.7 Progestogens |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Medroxy Progesterone Acetate |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
5mg, 10mg |
Norethisterone |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
5mg |
18.8 Thyroid and antithyroid medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration / Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Carbimazole |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
5mg, 10mg |
Levothyroxine |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
100 μg |
Iodine |
S,T |
Solution |
8 mg / 5 ml |
Section: 19 Immunologicals |
19.1: Diagnostic agents |
Drugs |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Tuberculin, Purified Protein derivative |
P,S,T |
Injection |
1 TU, 5 TU |
19.2: Sera and immunoglobins |
Drugs |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Anti-D immunoglobin (human) |
S, T |
Injection |
300 μg |
Polyvalent Antisnake Venom |
P,S,T |
Injection |
10 ml |
Antitetanus Human immunoglobin |
P,S,T |
Injection |
250 IU, 500 IU |
Diphtheria Antitoxin |
S, T |
Injection |
10,000 IU |
Rabies immunoglobin |
P,S,T |
Injection |
150 IU / ml |
19.3: Vaccines
19.3.1: For Universal Immunisation
Drugs |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage |
Strengths |
Form |
B.C.G Vaccine |
P,S,T |
Injection |
D.P.T Vaccine |
P,S,T |
Injection |
Hepatitis B Vaccine |
P,S,T |
Injection |
Measles Vaccine |
P,S,T |
Injection |
Injection Oral Poliomyelitis vaccine (LA) |
P,S,T |
Solution |
19.3.2: For Specific Group of Individuals |
Drugs |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage |
Strengths |
Form |
Rabies Vaccine |
P,S,T |
Injection |
Tetanus Toxoid |
P,S,T |
Injection |
Section: 20 – Muscle Relaxants (Peripherally acting) and Cholinesterase Inhibitors |
Drugs |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Atracurium besylate |
S, T |
Injection |
10 mg / ml 55 |
Neostigmine |
S,T |
Tablets, Injection |
15 mg, 0.5mg/ml |
Pyridostigmine |
S, T |
Tablets, Injection |
60 mg, 1mg/ml |
Succinyl choline chloride |
S,T |
Injection |
50 mg/ml |
Added drugs |
Vecuronium |
P,S,T |
Injection |
2 mg/ml |
Section: 21 – Ophthalmological Preparations |
21.1: Anti-infective agents |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Chloramph enicol |
P,S,T |
Drops/Ointment |
0.4%, 1% |
Ciprofloxa cin Hydrochlor ide |
P,S,T |
Drops/Ointment |
0.3% |
Gentamici n |
P,S,T |
Drops |
0.3% |
Miconazol e |
P,S,T |
Drops |
1% |
Povidone Iodine |
S,T |
Drops |
0.6% |
Sulphacet amide Sodium |
P,S,T |
Drops |
10%,20% |
21.2: Antiinflammaory agents |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Prednisolone Acetate |
P,S,T |
Drops |
0.1% |
Prednisolo ne Sodium Phosphate |
P,S,T |
Drops |
1% |
21.3: Local Anaesthetics |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Tetracaine Hydrochlor ide |
P,S,T |
Drops |
0.5% |
21.4: Miotics and Antiglucoma medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Acetazola mide |
S,T |
Tablets |
250 mg |
Betaxolol Hydrochlor ide |
T |
Drops |
0.25%, 0.5% |
Pilocarpin e |
S,T |
Drops |
2%, 4% |
Timolol Maleate |
P, S, T |
Drops |
0.25%, 0.5%, |
21.5: Mydriatics |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Atropine Sulphate |
P,S,T |
Drops/Ointment |
1% |
Homatropi ne |
P,S,T |
Drops |
2% |
Phenyleph rine |
P,S,T |
Drops |
5% |
21.6: Ophthalmic Surgical Aids |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Methyl Cellulose |
T |
Injection |
2% |
Section: 22 – Oxytocics and Antioxytocics |
22.1: Oxytocics |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Methyl Ergometrine |
P,S,T |
Tablets Injection |
0.125mg 0.2mg/ml |
Mifepristone |
T |
Tablets |
200mg |
Oxytocin |
S,T |
Injection |
5 IU/ ml, 10IU/ml |
Added medicines |
Misoprostol |
T |
Tablets |
100ug |
22.2: Antioxytocics |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Terbutaline Sulphate |
S,T |
Tablets Injection |
2.5 mg 0.5 mg/ml |
Added Medicines |
Nifedipine |
S,T |
Tablets |
10 mg |
Betamethasone |
P,S,T |
Injection |
4 mg/ml |
Section: 23 – Peritoneal Dialysis Solution |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Intraperitoneal Dialysis Solution |
T |
4Of approximate composition |
Section: 24 – Psychotherapeutic Medicines |
24.1: Medicines used in Psychotic Disorders |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Chlorpromazine hydrochloride |
P,S,T |
Tablets Syrup Injection |
25 mg, 50mg, 100mg 25mg/5ml 25mg/ml |
Haloperidol |
S, T |
Injection |
5mg/ml |
Added medicines |
Olanzapine |
T |
Tablets |
5mg,10mg |
24.2: Medicines used in mood disorders |
24.2.1: Medicines used in Depressive disorders |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Amitriptyline |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
25 mg |
Fluoxetine hydrochloride |
P,S,T |
Capsules |
20 mg |
Imipramine |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
25 mg, 75 mg |
24.2.2: Medicines used in Bipolar disorders |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Lithium Carbonate |
T |
Tablets |
300 mg |
Added Medicines |
Sodium Valproate |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
200 mg, 500mg |
24.3: Medicines used for Generalized Anxiety and Sleep Disorders |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Alprazolam |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
0.25 mg, 0.5 mg |
Diazepam |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
2 mg, 5mg |
24.4: Medicines used for obsessive compulsive disorders and panic attacks |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Added Medicines |
Fluoxetine hydrochloride |
P,S,T |
Capsules |
20 mg |
Section: 25 – Medicines acting on the respiratory tract |
25.1: Antiasthmatic medicines |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Beclomethasone Dipropionate |
P,S,T |
Inhalation |
50 µg, 250µg/dose |
Hydrocortisone sodium succinate |
P,S,T |
Injection |
100 mg, 200mg, 400 mg |
Salbutamol sulphate |
P,S,T |
Tablets Syrup Inhalation |
2mg, 4mg 2mg/5ml 100µg/dose |
Added Medicines |
Ipratropium bromide |
P,S,T |
Inhalation |
20µg/metere d dose |
25.2: Antitussives |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Codeine phosphate |
S,T |
Tablets Syrup |
10mg 15mg/ 5ml |
Dextromethorphan |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
30mg |
Section: 26 – Solutions correcting water, electrolyte and acid-base disturbances |
26.1: Oral |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Oral Rehydration Salts |
P, S, T |
Powder for Solution |
As per IP |
26.2: Parenteral |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Glucose |
P, S, T |
Injection |
5% isotonic, 10%, 15%. |
Glucose with sodium chloride |
P, S, T |
Injection |
5% + 0.9% |
Normal Saline |
P, S, T |
Injection |
0.9% |
N/2 Saline |
S, T |
Injection |
N/5 Saline |
S, T |
Injection |
Potassium Chloride |
P, S, T |
Injection |
11.2% Sol. |
Ringer Lactate |
P, S, T |
Injection |
As per IP |
Sodium |
P, S, T |
Injection |
As per IP |
26.3: Miscellaneous |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Water for Injection |
P, S, T |
Injection |
2 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml |
Section: 27 – Vitamins and Minerals |
Medicines |
Category |
Route of Administration/ Dosage Form |
Strengths |
Ascorbic Acid |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
100 mg, 500 mg |
Calcium carbonate |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
250 mg, 500 mg |
Multivitamins (As per Schedule V of Drugs and Cosmetics Rules) |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
Nicotinamide |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
50 mg |
Pyridoxine |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
25 mg |
Riboflavin |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
5 mg |
Thiamine |
P,S,T |
Tablets |
100 mg |
Vitamin A |
P,S,T |
Tablets Capsules |
5000 IU, 50000 IU, 100000 IU, |
Injection |
50000 IU/ml |
Vitamin D (Ergocalciferol) |
P,S,T |
Capsules |
0.25 mg, 1 mg |
Added Medicines |
Calcium gluconate |
P,S,T |
Injection |
100mg/ml in 10 ml ampoule |
(See paragraphs 2(u),5,7,8,9,15)
1. Name of the formulation:
2. Name and address of the manufacturer/importer:
3. Name of the Marketing Company, if any:
4. Composition as per label claimed and approved by Drug Control Authorities:
5. Drugs Control Authority Permission Number and Date (copy to be enclosed):
6. Date of commencement of production / import:
7. Type of formulation (Tablets/ Capsules/ Syrup/ Injection/ Ointment/ Powder etc.):
8. Size of packs (10’s/ 100’s/ 1 ml/ 2 ml/ 10 ml/ 5 gms/ 10 gms etc.)
9. Therapeutic category/ use of the formulation.
10. The Retail Price claimed for approval
11. Reason for submission of application for price fixation / revision.
12. Any other information relevant to product and its process of manufacturing/ packaging/ distribution.
The information furnished above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Authorised Signatory:
(See paragraph 16)
1. Name and address of the manufacturer / importer / distributor.
2. Name and address of the marketing company, if any.
Sl. No. |
Name of the Product (Formulation and its dosage forms) |
Composition of scheduled formulation/ new drug |
Pack Size |
WPI change w.r.t preceeding Year |
Price to retailer (incl. of D.) (Rs.) |
Maximum Retail Price (incl. of E.D.&Taxes) (Rs.) |
Ceiling Price(Notified) (Rs.) |
Effective Batch No. and date |
Pre-Revised |
Revised |
Pre-Revised |
Revised |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
(11) |
Scheduled Formulations |
Own Manufactured Formulations |
Purchased/Imported Formulations |
Notes:- In case of purchased formulation, name of the manufacturer shall be indicated.
The information furnished above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Authorised Signatory:
(See paragraphs 21(1))
1. Name and address of the manufacturer/importer:
2. Name and address of marketing company, if any:
3. Details of production/import and sale for the Quarter of a Year: …………………
Name of the Scheduled Formulation |
Composition /Strength |
Dosage Form |
Unit(No/ kg/Ltr) |
Production/Import Level |
Domestic Sale |
Previous Year |
Current Year |
Previous Year |
Current Year |
1st Quarter |
2nd Quarter |
3rd Quarter |
4th Quarter |
1st Quarter |
2nd Quarter |
3rd Quarter |
4th Quarter |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
(11) |
(12) |
(13) |
(14) |
Name of the Scheduled Formulation |
Composition /Strength |
Dosage Form |
Unit(No/ kg/Ltr) |
Production/Import Level |
Domestic Sale |
Previous Year |
Current Year |
Previous Year |
Current Year |
1st Quarter |
2nd Quarter |
3rd Quarter |
4th Quarter |
1st Quarter |
2nd Quarter |
3rd Quarter |
4th Quarter |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
(11) |
(12) |
(13) |
(14) |
Name of the Bulk Drug/API used in Scheduled Formulation |
Unit (Kg/ Ltr) |
Installed Capacity |
Production/Import Level |
Domestic Sale |
Previous Year |
Current Year |
Previous Year |
Current Year |
1st Quarter |
2nd Quarter |
3rd Quarter |
4th Quarter |
1st Quarter |
2nd Quarter |
3rd Quarter |
4th Quarter |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
(11) |
(12) |
(13) |
Constraints, if any:
(1) Production outsourced / carried out on job work basis should also be included.
The information furnished above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Authorised Signatory:
(See paragraphs 21(2))
1. Name of the formulation:
2. Name and address of the manufacturer/importer :
3. Name of the Marketing Company, if any:
4. Composition as per label claimed and approved by Drug Control Authorities:
5. Drugs Control Authority Permission Number and Date (copy to be enclosed):
6. Celling Price and date of notification:
7. Existing maximum retail price (MRP) and its effective date:
8. Therapeutic category as per NLEM:
9. Date of commencement of production / import
10. Proposed date of discontinuation:
11. Reasons for discontinuation of production / import:
12. Year-wise Production/Import during the last 5 years including current year
13. Year-wise sale during the last 5 years including current year
14. Whether any new drug as defined under Proviso of Definition of “New Drug” under DPCO, 2013 has been launched or intended to be launched. If so, the details thereof:
15. Any other information relevant to discontinuation of scheduled formulation:
Authorised Signatory:
(See paragraphs 2(x),24,25,26)
1. Name and address of the manufacturer / importer / distributor.
2. Name and address of the marketing company, if any.
Sl. No. |
Name of the Product (Formulation and its dosage forms) |
Composition approved by Drug Control Authorities |
Pack Size |
Price to retailer (incl. of E.D.) (Rs.) |
Maximum Retail Price (incl. of E.D.&Taxes) (Rs.) |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
Scheduled Formulations |
Own Manufactured Formulations |
Purchased/Imported Formulations |
Sl. No. |
Name of the Product (Formulation and its dosage forms) |
Composition approved by Drug Control Authorities |
Pack Size |
Price to retailer (incl. of E.D.) (Rs.) |
Maximum Retail Price (incl. of E.D.&Taxes) (Rs.) |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
Non-Scheduled Formulations |
Own Manufactured Formulations |
Purchased/Imported Formulations |
Notes:- In case of purchased formulation, name of the manufacturer shall be indicated.
The information furnished above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Authorised Signatory: