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Time to stand up & crave for the good side of 1975 Emergency!

Emergency, dark days but effective

Emergency Power is the tool for administration to use in emergency situations. Every one beating the drum of Ghost of Emergecy, but do we taken any step to get ridoff from the same. When people/ mass destroy the public property, for good or bad, the same must be restrained. Decipline only comes from habit which can be created by longstanding practices, some times even by force. parents punishes children when they do wrong, similar is the way for emergency. The purpose for personal gain was wrong, but decipline, puntuality of trains and workers and full time work in office are some of the things which has already gone with the emergency. For example in BHU who were admitted in 1977 July for 2 years cource get degree in three years, due to sine die, student movement etc
While comenting not too harsh, Pl see the out come of China, Korea, Germany and Japan, who are deciplined people and are much better in personal perception than us.

Pl note that the Provisions of Emergecy is still in the constitution and it requires to safe guard vider public interest in comparison to individual liberty.

Pl judge and ask the common people what were the loss and gain in emergency and not to critise individual openion.




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