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Digital India is welcome but PM needs to do more for e-Commerce

E-commerce in GST regime -need for providing suitable legal and technological frameworE-commerce in GST regime -need for providing suitable legal and

In the fast emerging dynamic e-yuga (e-era or e-society) it is no surprise that more and more commercial transanctions are effected through the digital mode as it has its own advantages. It provides equal opportunity for sale of products and services. A manufacturer and service provider or their agent can showcase their products or services easily to the entire world, without any barriers but unfortunately the intra-national as well as international trade barriers are causing unsurmountable problems for the growth of e commerce. Added to this, the cyber criminals (shall we call them as e-pirates ) are throwing huge challenges to the smooth functioning of the e commerce and e governing. The prospering e commerce stimulates the use of plastic money as againat the unaccounted cash transanctions which is one of reasons for a parallel economy to thrive. By keeping the tax compliance simple and clear, and by making use of appropriate technology, the entire e commerce transactions of all sorts, can be placed on automatic strong pedastal, for effective and economic tax collection wth little scope for evasion. This makes the life of the intermediary as well as the tax paying consumer easier. The presence of tax collector could be minimised as all the transaction and supply will be accounted, as being technology driven and compliance by all stake holders involved in e-commerce transactions will be easier and transparent.

In case of india, I feel that it is the most opportunistic time as we are in the process of bringing new legislation for taxing the supply of goods and services. By making suitable provisions in GST law to suit e commerce transanctions and by providing appropriate technological framework, the voluntary tax compliance can be accelerated as it will be of great advantage to our country. By doing so we can overcome the intra-country hurdles that are existing at present so that the national commerce become stronger and easier to all concerned including the consumer.
But to overcome the international hurdles in e commerce, i feel that it is very difficult to achieve as there is little political convergence from all Nations. The economically stronger players are always interested to strengthen their hold and therefore it is not possible to achive this goal in the near future. By strengthening our domestic trade and practices, we can eliminate atleast the local barriers so that we are able to emerge as a strong economy in the days to come.

MG kodandaram
NACEN Bengaluru

madihally kodandaram 06/07/2015



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