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Is ‘Close Up Whitening' a toothpaste or dental cleaner?

Should babus address their seniors as sir

It is only customary to address Seniors as Sir and there is nothing atrocious inn it. But I have seen this going to ludicrous levels . At some innocuous in house meetings I have seen welcome speeches like our respected Commissioner sir Shri......sir was kind enough to come over to this function . Nowadays it is not uncommon to see addressing celebrities as Name suffixed by sir during channel shows . I have never seen anybody saying Gandhi sir or Nehru sir and it never meant disrespect

harinarayanan thekkekalathil 29/07/2015



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Dr. Shailendra Kumar, Chairman, TIOL Knowledge Foundation, addressing the gathering

Shri Ram Nath Kovind, Hon'ble 14th President of India, addressing the gathering at TIOL Special Awards event.