News Update



GST on Supply of goods while same are in Customs Bonded Warehouse – Part III

Customs Bonded Warehouse

Chennai Customs wants to have it both ways.Insist on IGST payment from the transferor at the time of transfer demanding proof of payment for allowing clearance from the warehouse as the Circular 46 is still alive And collect IGST on the sale price on the ex bond bill of entry from the transferee-even before the Finance Act is passed! No end to the ingenuity of the tax collector.And we may expect another circular from CBEC to make tax payers go around In circles till they drop dead.

RL Narsimhan 13/02/2018



TIOL Tube Latest

TIOL Tube brings you an interview with former US Secretary of Treasury, Mr. Larry Summers who was recently in Delhi.

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Shri Ram Nath Kovind, Hon'ble 14th President of India, addressing the gathering at TIOL Special Awards event.