Revenue Review - Scrutiny of top 100 assessees

Published: Dec 01, 2017

No. Mem(Zone)/Budget/2017

Dated: December 1, 2017

All Principal Commissioners/Chief Commissioners/Commissioners GST

Dear Colleague,

Reference: Finance Secretary's note dated 28.11.2017 and Chairman, CBEC's letter dated 29.11.2017 (FTS No. 653713/2017)

As you are aware Secretary Finance and Chairperson have convened a meeting with the Principal Chief Commissioners/Chief Commissioners of GST on 9th December, 2017 at Vigyan Bhawan. In this context a preliminary meeting was held today to look into the CGST rsvenue position, wherein a need for detailed assesses-wise revenue analysis was felt.

2. It appears that all the data may not be available in the field formations at the registration level for the purpose of revenue comparison and analysis. However, revenue analysis of all those tax payers which were our assesses in the pre-GST period may be done by the field formations and comparison be made of CGST revenue with revenue trend in Central Excise and Service Tax in the corresponding period of FY 2016-17. The DG System has provided the comprehensive GSTR 3B data at the assesses level to all the zones. This data may be downloaded and used for the analysis. Each zone may undertake the revenue analysis in the following manner:-

i) Top 100 assesses may be taken by each of the commissionerates based on Central Excise and Service Tax revenue of 2016-17.

ii) One or two such Units be assigned to one officer for detailed analysis.

iii) For this purpose analysis should take into consideration the CGST, SGST, IGST revenue and compensation/cess (wherever applicable). Comparison of the same may be done with pre-GST revenue of the corresponding period, and wherever feasible VAT and CST revenue should also be taken into account. The study should also include the pattern and quantum of Input Tax Credit (ITC) availed and CGST utilised CGST/ITC availed in form TRAN I and its comparison with the pre GST period and any abnormal or unusual availment of ITC may be pointed out by comparing the TRAN I ITC availed with the average ITC balance during pre-GST.

iv) The analysis should also include comparison of CGST and SGST liability on output supplies, post July 2017 and also the quantum of SGST and CGST ITC availMent. These Nos. should normally be same, therefore, the discrepancy, if any, may be analysed and reasons for the same may be brought out.

v) The analysis of monthly turn over and comparison thereof with corresponding pre-GST period may also be done.

vi) This analysis should clearly bring out any reason for variation in total duty/tax payable during respective periods.

vii) Information may only be provided in the excel format, without any change (without merging any cells) in the format enclosed to enable uniformity in compilation and analysis. It may please be ensured that all the numbers are only given in Rs. Crores.

viii) For the purposes of collecting this data, the officers may contact the assesses personally and/or visit their premises.

3. A comprehensive report may please be sent to me(without fail) by the forenoon of 6th December, 2017.

With regards

(Dr. John Joseph)
Special Secretary & Member