IGST - SEZ - Board of Approval approves Uniform List of 66 Services

Published: Jan 10, 2018


Dated: January 2, 2018

All Development Commissioners Special Economic Zone

Subject: - Uniform list of services to be followed in SEZs - Reg.

I am directed to refer to this Ministry's letter No. D.12/25/2012-SEZ dated 16th September, 2013 and subsequent letters of even number dated 19th November, 2013, 19th June, 2014 and 9th July, 2014 vide which a list of 66 services which may be permitted by all Unit Approval Committees (UACs) as default authorised services was conveyed (copies enclosed).

2. The BoA was appraised that consequent to implementation of GST Act, some State Government are not extending the benefits of IGST exemption for default services. Since, SEZs are exempt from IGST and the above matter was placed before 80* BoA meeting held on 17th November, 2017. The BoA, after deliberations, approved the reiteration of the default authorized operations as approved, earlier.

Encl: Annexure - List of 66 services.


Aditya Narayan)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Default List of Services approved by Department of Commerce
Sl. No. List of Approved Services
1. Airport Authority Services
2. Architect Services
3. Asset Management Services
4. Advertising agency services
5. Airport services
6. Banking and other financial services
7. Business Exhibition services
8. Cargo Handling services
9. Chartered Accountant Services
10. Cleaning Activity services
11. Clearing & forwarding agents services
12. Commercial or industrial construction services
13. Company secretary services
14. Computer network services
15. Consulting Engineer's services
16. Cost accountant services
17. Courier services
18. Credit rating agency services
19. Custom house agent services
20. Commercial training & coaching services
21. Convention services
22. Copyright services
23. Design services
24. Development & supply of content services
25. Erection, commission and installation services
26. General insurance business services
27. Goods transport agency services
28. Information Technology Software Services
29. Interior decorator services
30. Internet communication services
31. Intellectual property services
32. Legal consultancy services
33. Management, maintenance or repair services
34. Manpower Recruitment and supply agency services
35. Market research agency services
36. Other port services
37. Outdoor caterer services
38. Packaging activity services
39. Port services
40. Processing & clearing house services
41. Renting of Immovable property services
42. Security agency services
43. Site formation & clearance, excavation earth moving
44. Storage & warehousing services
45. Supply of tangible goods
46. Survey & map making services
47. Scientific Or technical consultancy service
48. Sound recording studio or agency services
49. Technical inspection and certification
50. Technical Testing and Analysis services
51. Telecommunication services
52. Transport of goods by Air services
53. Transport of goods by Rail services
54. Transport of goods by Road services
55. Works contract services
56. Transport of goods services
57. Construction services
58. On-line Information and database access services
59. Rent-a-cab Scheme Operator's Services
60. SEZ Online Services
61. Air Travel Agent Services
62. Rail Travel Agent's Services
63. Travel Agent's Services
64. Business Support Service
65. Transport Passengers by Air
66. Accommodation service




79/2010, Dated: November 19, 2013

All Development Commissioners Special Economic Zones

Subject: Uniform list of services to be followed in SEZs - regarding.

I am directed to refer to this Ministry's letter No. D.12/25/2012-SEZ dated 16th September, 2013 vide which a list of 58 (Annexure) services which may be permitted by all UACs as default authorised services was conveyed.

2. Representations have been received for inclusion of more services in the list of default authorised services. The matter was considered during the DC meeting held on 7th November, 2013 and it has been decided that following two more services may be included in the list of default authorised services:-

(i) Rent-a-cab Scheme Operator's Services

(ii) SEZ Online Services

3. The above approved list of services shall ordinarily be permitted by UAC unless anything to the contrary is noticed. Other services which are not included in the uniform list may be decided by UAC on merit.

4. DCs/UACs may expand the above list to facilitate units/developers in their respective zones.

[F. No. D.12/19/2013-SEZ]

(Kabiraj Sabar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Encl: Annexure - list of 58 services.

Default List of Services approved by Department of Commerce
Sl. No.
List of Approved Services
1.  Airport Authority Services 
2.  Architect Services 
3.  Asset Management Services 
4.  Advertising agency services 
5.  Airport services 
6.  Banking and other financial services 
7.  Business Exhibition services 
8.  Cargo Handling services 
9.  Chartered Accountant Services 
10.   Cleaning Activity services 
11.   Clearing & forwarding agents services 
12.   Commercial or industrial construction services 
13.   Company secretary services 
14.   Computer network services 
15.   Consulting Engineer's services 
16.   Cost accountant services 
17.   Courier services 
18.   Credit rating agency services 
19.   Custom house agent services 
20.   Commercial training & coaching services
21.   Convention services 
22.   Copyright services 
23.   Design services 
24.   Development & supply of content services 
25.   Erection, commission and installation services 
26.   General insurance business services 
27.   Goods transport agency services 
28.   Information Technology Software Services 
29.   Interior decorator services 
30.   Internet communication services 
31.   Intellectual property services 
32.   Legal consultancy services 
33.   Management, maintenance or repair services 
34.   Manpower Recruitment and supply agency services 
35.   Market research agency services 
36.   Other Port services 
37.   Outdoor caterer services 
38.   Packaging activity services 
39.   Port services 
40.   Processing & clearing house services 
41.   Renting of Immovable property services 
42.   Security agency services 
43.   Site formation & clearance, excavation earth moving 
44.   Storage & warehousing services 
45.   Supply of tangible goods 
46.   Survey & map making services 
47.   Scientific or technical consultancy service 
48.   Sound recording studio or agency services
49.   Technical inspection and certification 
50.   Technical Testing and Analysis services 
51.   Telecommunication services 
52.   Transport of goods by Air services 
53. Transport of goods by Rail services 
54.   Transport of goods by Road services 
55.   Works contract services 
56.   Transport of goods services 
57.   Construction Services 
58.  On-line Information and database access services 


Dated: June 19, 2014

All Development Commissioners Special Economic Zones

Subject: Uniform list of Services to be followed in Special Economic Zones- regarding.

I am directed to refer to this Ministry's letter No. D.12/25/2012-SEZ dated 16th September, 2013 followed by letter of even number dated 19th November, 2013 vide which a list 60 services which may be permitted by all UACs as default authorised services was conveyed (copy enclosed).

2. Representations have been received in the Department for inclusion of more services in the list of default authorised services. The matter was considered during the 61st BoA. Meeting held on 3rd April, 2014 and it has been decided that following three more services may be included in the list of default authorised services:-

i. Air Travel Agent services

ii. Rail Travel Agent's Services

iii. Travel Agent's Services

3. DCs/UACs may expand the above list to facilitate units/developers in their respective zones.

Encl. As above

[No. 12/19/2013-SEZ]

Kabiraj Sabar
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India


Dated: July 9, 2014


All Development Commissioners Special Economic Zones

Subject: Uniform list of Services to be followed in Special Economic Zones-regarding

I am directed to refer to this Ministry's letter No. D.12/25/2012-SEZ dated 16th September, 2013 followed by letters of even number dated 19th November, 2013 and 19 June, 2014 vide which a list of 63 services which may be permitted by all Unit Approval Committees (UACs) as default authorised services was conveyed (copy enclosed),

2. Representations have been received in the Department for inclusion of more services in the list of default authorised services. The matter was considered during the 61st BOA meeting held on 3rd April, 2014 and it has been decided that following three more services may be included in the list of default authorised services:

(i) Business Support Service

(ii) Transport Passengers by Air

(iii) Accommodation Service

3. DCs/UACs may expand the above list to facilitate Units/Developers in their respective Zones.
Yours faithfully,

End. As above


Kabiraj Sabar
Under Secretary to the Government of India