GST Collections - Haryana ranks third: Finance Commission

Published: May 07, 2018


By TIOL News Service

NEW DELHI, MAY 07, 2018: DESPITE high consistent growth clocked by Haryana in the past couple of years, sustainability of its growth will depend on how fast it is able to reduce its inter-district disparity. Addressing a Press Conference after the detailed meeting with Govt of Haryana on a wide ranging issues, acting Chairman of 15th Finance Commission, Dr. Ashok Lahiri said that Haryana has improved its fiscal management and implemented IFMS and PFMS but the state has a long way to go to ensure appropriate quality of expenditure particularly capital expenditure which is necessary to fill the gap in expenditure needs for infrastructure.

He placed on record the Commission's appreciation for adoption of SDGs in the developmental priorities of the state, however there was a continued need to improve the sex-ratio and increase expenditure in health and education sector. Though the results of GST implementation are yet to be seen fully, Haryana is doing reasonably well in its collection despite the complexity of the system. Haryana stands 3 rd in GST collection. Govt of India has assured 14% revenue buoyancy for four years which covers the first year of the award period of the 15 th Finance Commission. New financing mechanism needs to be evolved due to the abolition of the Planning Commission and distinction between plan and non-plan funds.

Commission noted that significant improvements have been made in the working of the power sector in achieving targets of UDAY by both the DISCOMs and state govt. The endeavor to switch to solar energy for meeting the energy needs of agriculture and also to supply the feeder is encouraging.