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Government shall speak only in one voice - It has only one policy - Departments are to implement Government policy and not their own policy: Supreme Court

By TIOL News Service

NEW DELHI, SEPT 04, 2015: WHETHER the appellant is liable to pay Central Sales Tax (CST) @ 2 per cent on the inter-State sales for the period 01.04.2009 to 17.06.2009 or @ 1 per cent in view of the Industrial Policy of the State, is the dispute in this case.

It is not in dispute that as per the Industrial Policy of the State of Himachal Pradesh, the appellant had been enjoying the concessional rate in CST @ 1 per cent upto 31.03.2009. It is also not in dispute that the Cabinet had taken a policy decision to extend the period of concession upto 31.03.2013 or till the CST is phased out. Still further, it is not in dispute that the Department of Industries had, accordingly, issued a notification extending the concessions from 01.04.2009 to 31.03.2013 or till the time the CST is phased out. The dispute arose on account of the Notification dated 18.06.2009 issued by the Excise and Taxation Department granting the concessional rate of the CST @ 1 per cent wherein the expression "… with immediate effect for the period ending 31.03.2013" was used.

The High Court, as per the impugned judgment, took the view that the expression "… with immediate effect" has to be given a plain meaning, and therefore, the appellant is not entitled to the concession which it had been enjoying upto 31.03.2009 till the Notification dated 18.06.2009 is issued by the Excise and Taxation Department.

It has to be noted that the Principal Secretary (Industries) issued a notification dated 29.05.2009 to the effect that the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to extend the incentive of validity of concessional rate of CST @ 1% upto 31.03.2013 in Rules 10.3 of Industry Policy, 2004 or till the time CST is phased out, whichever is earlier . The Excise and Taxation Department of the State Government issued statutory Notification under Section 8(5)(b) of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 to the effect that the tax shall be calculated and payable at the rate of 1% of the taxable turnover of such goods with immediate effect for the period ending 31.03.2013."

The State which issued both the notifications argued that since the notification under the Act providing for tax concession was issued only on 18.06.2009 wherein it was specifically mentioned that the notification would have immediate effect and would operate for the period ending on 31.03.2013, the appellant is not entitled to the CST concession @ 1% for the intervening period between 01.04.2009 to 18.06.2009.

The Supreme Court observed,

The State Government cannot speak in two voice. Once the Cabinet takes a policy decision to extend its 2004 Industrial Policy in the matter of CST concession to the eligible units beyond 31.03.2009, upto 31.03.2013, and the Notification dated 29.05.2009, accordingly, having been issued by the Department concerned, viz., Department of Industries, thereafter, the Excise and Taxation Department cannot take a different stand. What is given by the right hand cannot be taken by the left hand. The Government shall speak only in one voice. It has only one policy. The departments are to implement the Government policy and not their own policy. Once the Council of Ministers has taken a decision to extend the 2004 Industrial Policy and extend tax concession beyond 31.03.2009, merely because the Excise and Taxation Department took some time to issue the notification, it cannot be held that the eligible units are not entitled to the concession till the Department issued the notification. It has to be noted that the Finance Department of the State Government had concurred with the proposal of the Department of Industries to extend the tax concession beyond 31.03.2009 till 31.03.2013 and the Council of Ministers had accordingly taken a decision also. No doubt, the statutory notification issued by the Excise and Taxation Department under Section 8(5)(b) of the Act on 18.06.2009 has stated that the eligible units will be entitled to the concession with immediate effect. Merely because such an expression has been used, it cannot be held that the State Government can levy the tax against its own policy. The State Government is bound by the policy decision taken by the Council of Ministers and duly notified by the Department concerned, viz., Department of Industries .

Appeal Allowed.

(See 2015-TIOL-198-SC-CST-LB)


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